Warhammer: Gotrek Blessed Total War

GOTREK’S ALIVE and his big booming voice is brought to life by none other than the big, booming Brian Blessed.
In case you missed it, Gotrek Gurnisson is all over the place this week, with his debut in Age of Sigmar and appearance in Total War: Warhammer II–but this time we’re seeing the voice behind the legendary dwarf, and it’s none other than Brian Blessed.
Brian Blessed, besides commanding the Hawkmen and climbing Mount Everest, and bravely riding to his death at the hands of Alan Rickman and…a cult(?), is best known for also being the voice of Gotrek Gurnisson in the audiobook renditions of the legendary slayer’s tales.
As a reminder, Gotrek is coming to Total War: Warhammer 2:
Gotrek and Felix are legendary adventurers and mercenaries, known throughout the Warhammer world by those that sing their praises and curse their names. Veterans of countless minor scrapes and grand battles, both are formidable warriors in their own right and would make a welcome addition to any army, if a commander is able to keep their attention for long enough…
If you have the Gotrek & Felix DLC, you’ll spot a new interactive marker on the campaign map. Click it, recruit them, and let the adventures begin!
Gotrek and Felix are wandering adventurers and mercenaries. They can be very powerful allies, but they can’t exactly be relied upon to stick around forever. After all, Gotrek has a deathwish to fulfil, so you can’t always be sure where their quests will take them.
To represent their iconic style in game, they function a little differently to other characters:
- Gotrek and Felix are initially recruited from their quest marker as a pair. Gotrek effectively functions as a Lord, and Felix is a Hero that accompanies him. This means they can function as an army just by themselves, and you can send them off around the world on adventures of their own, or supply them with troops and have them function in the same way as your other armies. Although with a rather powerful pair of characters leading it!
- They might be swords for hire, but they have a certain moral code and will only enter the employ of Empire, Bretonnia and Dwarf factions. If you so much as look like a rat from a distance, don’t ask.
- Gotrek and Felix will only stay with your faction for too long, around 20 turns or so, before Gotrek gets itchy feet and his deathwish commands him to seek adventure elsewhere.
Fear not though, because their wanderings will inevitably lead them back to you at some point, and you’ll find they have likely increased in prowess in the meantime.
Just be wary of any enemies they may have made while they’ve been away…
Now this DLC is an interesting one–because while it is downloadable content, you have to resort to physical media to get it–from now through October 17th, Gotrek and Felix are available exclusively through the print version of September’s White Dwarf Magazine. Included with the physical magazine is a special card with the instructions on how to get it.
After October 17th, the content will be offered to people via Total War Access for free; as Creative Assembly puts it:
“We get to add even more free content to our games, and our marketing pay for it. We think that’s a pretty good arrangement.”
You can sign up for Total War Access right here.
Be on the lookout for Gotrek later this