Warhammer: Mini Rulebooks Overview

Games Workshop is releasing two new mini rulebooks – one for 40k and one for AoS. But which one is the best?!
How can you compare rulebooks to figure out which one is the best anyhow? That’s a great question! One that is hopefully answered in the video:
Warhammer 40K Mini Rulebook
This one is pretty. It’s a hardback book and it’s much smaller and lighter than the BRB (obviously). If you’re looking for a quick reference book or something to carry in your bag, I suppose this one would be a better option. It essentially the rulebook but without all the lore. If you took the BRB and cut out the front half of the book that focuses on all the world and universe building then you’d have this book.
Having said that, it’s unfortunately not updated with the current FAQs. One of the big issues we noticed was that the Command Points for Detachments are the exact same as the BRB – which means GW didn’t apply the Errata for the Rulebook to this book either. That also means the page reference numbers in the Errata are also off.
The Errata was not applied? Whoops.
Warhammer Age of Sigmar Gaming Book
The AoS minibook is actually super handy. It’s got rules in there from both the 2018 and 2019 General’s Handbook updates and all the stuff from Malign Sorcery, too! That means Endless Spell info, all the missions, matched play info and more. The only thing it doesn’t have is the point values from the GHBs.
It’s also got the core rules (obviously) so it’s the complete package for Matched Play. On top of all that, it’s a smaller format so it’s perfect to take with you to your game nights or tournaments. Seriously, this is what the 40k book should have also been…
Anyhow, both books are up for Pre-Order this weekend. But keep in mind what you’re getting with each one. The 40k book is basically the BRB but smaller with no changes. And the AoS Gaming Book is a miniature version of the rules but it has all the GHB 2018/2019 info consolidated into it. Except for the points.
I know which book I’m looking forward to picking up…