Wyrd: Gatling Gunners Bring Powerful Ranged Firepower to the Guild

These gunners pose a formidable long-range threat and can shoot a hail of bullets at the enemy, making them an invaluable part of any Guild force.
Before we get into the heavy firepower there are a few announcements for the Other Side: Wyrd has been examining the balance of the game and has decided some adjustments are needed – including how Kassa Okoye, Mechanized Infantry, Gibbering Hordes, and more operate in the game. The August 2019 Errata and FAQ are live now, you can fine them in the Resources section of The Other Side’s site.
While the proverbial and omnipresent grip of the Guild is starting to show some cracks on Earth, the strength of their Gatling Gunners might obfuscate that truth. Whether you bring the Guild as a One Commander Company or use them as a Syndicate to complement another Allegiance in a Two Commander game, these gunmen will make sure your opponents will think twice before making a move in their line of sight.
This unit is the definition of a gunline – and it’s a formidable one at that. These Guild soldiers can intimidate the enemy just by looking at the bullet casings blanketing their sandbags. There’s a pretty good chance they came from their Hail of Bullets Ability; the Gatling Gunners aren’t likely to move a lot during a game. When they focus their shots, they’ll gain some extra oomph, hitting harder than they already do.
The Gatling Gunners will be packaged with other Guild models, as well as Court of Two models, in the upcoming Starter Box for The Other Side. They will also be made available separately so you can add more to your Company.