40K: Bonus Episode – Interview with Zach Becker, London GT : TFG Radio

This week on TFG Radio Adam talks with Zach Becker from the London Grand Tournament. They talk about this year’s London Grand Tournament, plans for next year, issues at the event, and more!
Hey everyone, we have another bonus episode. This episode Zach Becker is back on to talk about the London Grand Tournament. Adam and Zach talk about changes made between this year and last year, the hiccup during the Invitational, the ITC code of Conduct going forward locally, and plans for next year. Give it a listen
TFG Radio Bonus Episode 17
~I hope you enjoy the show! Be sure to say something in the comments section. Whether it’s your opinion of the show itself, or just to suggest something we could talk about in the future, be sure to drop us a line.