40K RETRO: 32 Year Old Blood Angels Army

Take a look at BoLS’ oldest army – still duking it out for the Emperor after 3 decades.
Today we want to take a step back and talk about the long-term value you can get out of this hobby of ours. Two years into 8th Edition we want to see how an army begun over 30 years ago can still hold up and kick butt on the tabletop today.
Behold my first 40K army – the Blood Angels. Back in Rogue Trader i picked this army out because they were the “red marines” and I really liked red. The Flesh Tearers and the Blood Drinkers had kind of tricky logos to paint. It was as easy as that.
The core of the army started back in 1987 was based around a set of the original RTB-1 marines and a big chunk of super heavy chunky metal assault marines with jump packs. These guys have METAL packs and are dangerous thrown weapons in a pinch!
Slowly over the editions, the later (metal) Mk VII marines were added and the vehicle came in piecemeal. You can see some Space Crusade scouts, plastic Space Hulk 1st Edition terminators and a ton of the ancient Rogue Trader officers in there.
It’s held up remarkably well.
Some later additions like a “new fangled” Land Raider and the pair of Baal Predators beefed up the motorpool. But the core of the earmy has always been it’s full 3rd Battle Company of infantry.
3rd Battle company: 6 Tacticals, 2 Assaults, 2 Devastators
Let’s Start the Tour
Left side of the army…
Right side of army.
Tactical Squads 1,2,3. These are the mainly the original RTB1s
Tactical Squads 4,5,6. These are mainly the 2nd Edition metal Mk. VIIs
Assault Squads 7,8. Mostly Rogue Trader metal marines with metal packs.
Devastator Squads 9,10. A mix of ancient Heresy metal Mk.V and Mk VII. Note the Speared Eye of Horus banner on Squad 10, noting that those suits actually fought during the Horus Heresy.
Left motorpool. That’s an old metal Furioso that weights a TON.
Right motorpool. Land Raider, two Baals, an ancient Whirlwind and all the Tactical squad’s Rhinos (correctly numbered you will note)
Old metal terminators, and Space Crusade scouts. There are some plastic Space Hulk 1st Ed. Termys mixed in.
The Command Staff. Dante, Mephiston & Corbulo leading their command, Librarians and Sanguinary Priest delegations. Counts-as Sanguinor center top. Lots of old minis mixed in there.
Two Original metal Rogue Trader Chaplains leading 16 Death Company with packs.
One of these days I may break down and add some modern items like Primaris marines, or Sanguinary Guard, but I kind of enjoy keeping the army’s old-school charm intact.
Dante and Command staff thinking about inducting some Primaris marines… Seems unconvinced. Maybe after he gets a new fancy mini…
~What’s the oldest army you still field?