40K Rumors: A New Army Approaches

The rumormongers are talking and here’s the latest on another new army coming to the Grimdark.
We know Sisters is on the way, with their army set out in November, and their full release probably early in 2020. Psychic Awakening sounds like it will last for at least 6 months and take us well into 2020. But what about new armies?
We’ve already gotten Death Guard, Adeptus Custodes and Traitor Knights in 8th. But the rumormongers are talking.
The Rumors
- Look for Traitor Guard in 2020
- Unknown if this is associated with Psychic Awakening
We’ve seen a wide range of sizes for new armies in 8th. The Death Guard have a very large range that is almost entirely new (aside from some daemons), while the Traitor Knights got only one kit. Traitor Guard, which I’m sure isn’t their real name, will probably lie somewhere in between those extremes. We have already gotten strong hints of what’s coming in the last year with these minis, from Blackstone Fortress.
So just based on existing minis we have:
- Traitor Guardsmen
- Chaos Ogryn
- Traitor Commissars
- Beastmen
- Negavolt Cultists
- Cultists (perhaps Traitor Conscripts)
- Mutant Psykers
It would be very easy to drop these units into a mirror of the AM book, replace a handful of things like Ratlings, etc… and make a Traitor Guard vehicle accessory sprue for all the Guard tanks. It would give the game an army that is deeply rooted in the fluff, shore up the Chaos keyword side of things, and be super fun to paint up and convert. It would also be a reason to sunset the old and somewhat unbalanced Vraks Renagade list which would dhave no reason to exist after this came out in a full codex.
I can only imagine the coolness of famed Traitor Regiments and what special orders they would get! There’s no word on timing, so I’d say 2nd half of 2020 on the far side of Psychic Awakening seems most likely.
~ I’m all for it. What do you think of the idea? Would you play them?