Arkham Horror: TCG – ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ Announced

Get ready for the next leg of your trip into the Dreamlands. ‘Dark Side of the Moon’ is the third Mythos Pack for the Dream-Eaters cycle!
The Dream-Eaters cycle is introducing players to a slightly altered campaign structure with the investigators having to bounce between waking life and the Dreamlands. In Dark Side of the Moon, players will follow-up their investigations from The Search of Kadath. But this time, the danger will be increased with a new alarm mechanic. Can you stealthily make your way across the barren landscape in time to complete your mission or will you run out of time?
“Remaining hidden will prove to be the most difficult and most important part of your rescue mission as you must contend with the Alarm Level. At the start of this scenario, each investigator must place 1 doom on their investigator card, marking their current “alarm level.” While your alarm level is marked using doom tokens, it is important to note that an investigator’s alarm level is not doom, and it does not count toward the agenda’s doom threshold, but it does add a new sense of urgency to your mission.”
Your actions and decisions may increase or decrease the alarm level. Playing it safe will keep the alarm level low but you will not be able to complete the mission without taking some risk. The most direct way the alarm level will make an impact on your play though will be based on the new threats you’ll face – like the dreaded Byakhee!
If you can stay hidden (aka keep your alarm level below 2) you won’t have to face this threat. But there may come a point where you’ll need to actively engage the Moonbound Byakhee to finish the scenario. That’s not the only problem investigators will face, either. There is a new curse weakness that will be introduce with this set as well. And this one will haunt you.
False Awakening sticks around – at the start of every game it pops-up next to the agenda deck with a doom on it. Now, that might not sound too bad…however, with some of the shorter agendas, that extra doom could quite literally spell disaster. You’ve got the option to spend an action to take a test with a base value to (2) – but it gets +1 difficulty per investigator! That means with a 4 player game, you’ve got to pass a difficulty 6 test. And if you want to make sure it doesn’t mess you up for the first agenda, you’ve got to do it (probably) before you’ve got your board-state setup.
On the plus side, this pack also promises some great new cards to help out investigators. FFG teased the super helpful new Lucid Dreaming card:
Personally, I think this could be an excellent card for many an investigator! Not only can you target assets, you can even target cards in your hand. If you need to “tutor” up a specific copy of a card, you can now do that for the low cost of 1 resource (although you do need to spend the requisite XP to add it).
Dark Side of the Moon $14.95
Embark on a dangerous rescue mission in Dark Side of the Moon, the third Mythos Pack in The Dream-Eaters cycle for Arkham Horror: The Card Game! After the man who may hold the key to escaping the Dreamlands is taken by dangerous Corsairs, you follow to a dead world where danger is waiting around around every corner.
Dark Side of the Moon is Scenario 3–A of “The Dream-Quest” campaign. This scenario can be played on its own in Standalone Mode or combined with the other expansions in The Dream- Eaters cycle to form a larger four-part or eight-part campaign. After the events of The Search for Kadath, the investigators in the Dreamlands are drawn even further from the world of the waking than they could have ever thought when Virgil Gray is taken to the cold, distant moon and you have no choice but to follow in the hopes of rescuing him. The silence of the place is deafening. There is no wind whistling through the air, no chirping of birds, no idle sound of any kind. And around every corner, some maddening creature is keeping a close watch over their domain. You must remain even quieter in order to stay hidden long enough to find Virgil and escape without raising the alarm.
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