GW Rumor Engine: Have Gun, Will Travel

There’s a new Rumor Engine in town and it’s not afraid to get into trouble. Check out the latest teaser from the future from Games Workshop.
This week’s Rumor Engine looks like a cross between the Grimdark and the Wild West. Then again, those genres are closer than you might think!
“Feel the hype – it’s another Rumour Engine! Don’t worry so much about what you can’t see, but rather appreciate what you CAN see. It’s magical, isn’t it?”
We’re looking at a fairly ornate lever-action rifle-stock. And this firearm appears to be in some type of holster and it’ has a skull on it as well. I realize typing that out, that the weapon I just described fits the description of like 80% of the weapons in the Warhammer universe, but looking at the gun, it’s a bit more subtle than that. The fact that this weapon has a lever-action and looks ornate makes me think of something an Inquisitor would carry – or a Rogue Trader perhaps?
Considering the Rogue Trader’s have a penchant for firearms that are reminecent of old Western tech, this “winchester-esque” rifle isn’t that far off. Rogue Traders are kind of like explorers or cowboys anyhow – that would certainly fit the vibe.
What do you think? Are we looking at a new Rogue Trader? An Inquisitor? Something new entirely? Let us know in the comments!