Star Wars: X-Wing – C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Preview

Fantasy Flight Games has another Huge Ship Expansion up for your viewing pleasure. Check out the Updated C-ROC Cruiser!
Things are about to get a little more lawless in Star Wars: X-Wing. The C-ROC expansion is back for the Scum & Villainy faction and it’s got all manner of dirty tricks to pull. And that’s not all – it’s also going be usable by the Separatist Alliance as well!
“In service since the Clone Wars, the C-ROC cruiser is used by privateers hired by the Separatist Alliance and Syndicate Smugglers alike and—like any good ship looking to avoid entanglements with the authorities—it excels at running away from enemy ships rather than facing them head-on. No matter what faction is controlling the ship, the C-ROC’s Overdrive Burners let you roll an extra defense die as long as its revealed maneuver is Speed 3–5, making it much more likely to dodge enemy fire than other huge ships.”
The Ship
As mentioned it’s available for both the Scum Faction and the Separatist. That said, the basic ship is pretty much the same for both. It’s got a pretty beefy 12 hull and 4 shields, one which regenerates every turn. And don’t forget, it’s a large ship so it’s got 2 actions at turn and a pretty large action bar to use.
Meet The Crew
This ship has a lot of space to play with so it’s no surprise that you can load it out with quite a few crew options. Gunner Specialists are a good fit:
And if you’re playing the Scum Version the IG-RM Droids are a good slot in your list too. Converting a hit to a crit is always nice.
But maybe you want to get a little more specialized. Azmorigan is a crime lord with plans – and that plan is to stick the stress to the enemy!
More Upgrades
Large ships have a lot of toys they can play with, too. Ion Cannons, Tibanana Reserves and even the Corsair Refit can take this unsuspecting cargo ship and turn it into a much tougher target.
Illicit Materials
Were those options too “above board” for your tastes? Well then you’re my kind of Scum. Check out some of the other nasty tricks you can pull, if you’re willing to pay for them of course:
Why be obvious when you can be devious? These Illicit upgrades are going to be fun to use just to mess with your opponents.
The Ship Titles
And finally, we have all the revealed ship titles. These are great for when you just need a little bit extra for your C-ROC Cruiser.
All three of these ships help add some flavor to your ship. Merchant one jumps out at me as a pretty great combo with some of the other upgrades from above.
C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack $99.95
“The C-ROC Cruiser is the heaviest vessel available to many criminal operations, cartels, and syndicates in the Outer Rim, capable of carrying massive weapons batteries and unique dirty tricks that keep it one step ahead of the law. Whether it is hauling illicit cargo or marauding the hyperlanes in search of easy targets, the C-ROC is a flexible and dangerous craft.
The C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack contains everything both Scum and Villainy and Separatist Alliance players need to incorporate one of these armed transports into their squadrons. A selection of ship cards, tokens, and maneuver dials gets your C-ROC into battle while a suite of upgrade cards invites you to add a bevy of dirty tricks to your cruiser. Finally, a plastic maneuver tool, huge ship resource tracker, and huge ship damage deck make managing your ship fast and easy.”
We got ourselves a CONVOY!