Warhammer 40K: Even More FAQs Out Now

Didn’t we just get an FAQ? Yes! And a few days later we’ve got even more changes. Non-Codex Space Marines, it your turn in the spotlight.
In case you missed the news, last week we got the big September 2019 FAQ. And on Monday, GW snuck in an updated another batch of FAQs, too!
So all the FAQ and Errata for pretty much all the armies in the game have been updated. Follow the link below to get to the FAQ Page for GW:
Warhammer 40,000 FAQ Page
- Click on the Warhammer 40,000 Logo
- In the right drop down box, select Sort by: A – Z
- Now select Sort by: Recently Updated to get access to all the freshly updated FAQs in order.
FAQ Tidbits
The key takeaway for this update are very similar to the ones from last week. Basically it brings the non-standard Codex Marines (Deathwatch, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, Dark Angels) inline with the Codex: Space Marine changes to the stats. So you’ll get things like this for each Chapter:
And that’s not even all the changes. Those are the ones from the Blood Angels FAQ – but you get the idea. As far as the Imperial Armour options – well, you’re going to have to go look for yourself on those! Some of them got a bigger update than others, but if you’re playing with Forge World you’re used to having special rules to look-up.
While the majority of these Errata changes aren’t world-shattering, they are tweaks that help normalize the non-codex Space Marines and helps everyone play on the same tabletop. So, if your army is impacted by these changes, do yourself a favor and read your respective FAQ!
And YOU get an FAQ. And YOU get an FAQ…