Warhammer 40K: Space Marine Transports Ranked

The Space Marines have a TON of Transports and with the impending arrival of the Impulsor, we’d figured it was time to rank them!
When it comes to delivering your forces into battle the Space Marines have a lot of options. There are 11 in the standard codex alone! We’ve ranked them in order of what we’ve seen play out in the current meta. Some players might get a bit more use out of others, and hey, good for you you meta-breaker you. Also, we’re only focusing on the CODEX options (NO Forgeworld). So let’s get started!
#9 – Land Speeder Storm
I don’t remember the last time I saw one of these used in a tournament. I’m sure someone out there will correct me in the comments, but the Land Speeder Storm just isn’t in fashion right now. It’s kind of ironic considering how popular Scouts are…but no one is using Scouts in a Land Speeder Storm. I (don’t) wonder why.
#8 – Razorback
Oh how the mighty have fallen. Razorbacks used to be all the rage! Las/plas options. Twin-lascannon options. Heavy Bolter… okay, that was just the option you took because you needed to save on points. But these bad boys used to be the go-to transport for a lot of folks, so, what happened? 8th really tamped down on transports in general and the firepower of the Razorback was overshadowed by other options. Plus, you can’t put Primaris in these. I’m sure they are going to make a comeback in the next edition…
#7 – Rhino
Oh the humble Rhino. This is the APC that all other APC are compared to. It’s not super exciting but it’s tough enough that folks generally don’t want to “waste” shots on them. It can still deliver 10 models to their destination. They can’t assault after they move and deploy, but hey, they got there (mostly) safe. The Rhino is just kind of middling and plain. It gets the job done relatively cheaply, too. Not great, but not terrible – it’s a Rhino.
#6 – Drop Pod
Drop Pods actually shot back up the rankings thanks to their improved rule. Being able to hold units back for longer is nice and when they DO come down, they cause a similar problem as Rhinos – people don’t want to waste shots at them because they are just tough enough to be annoying to deal with. But Drop Pods typically get close enough to other objectives to actually threaten scoring them. Perfect for that late game Objective Grab!
#5 – Land Raiders
There are multiple versions of the Land Raider and we’re lumping them all together for this list. The Land Raider can have a massive carry capacity and puts out enough shots to rival most other main battle tank options. If this thing had fly it would be the bee’s knees! But it doesn’t – it just has a truck-load of options and firepower! Land Raiders are big and tough which is just what you need in your list sometimes.
#4 – Repulsor
Almost as tough as a Land Raider but with a lot more shots and the FLY keyword, the Repulsor is #4 on our list. It’s got the highest transport capacity for Primaris, too! It can also support those beefier Gravis Armour units and get them right where they need to be on the tabletop. It might not be as visually appealing, but it’s the future!
#3 – Impulsor
With a decent amount of shooting, a smaller footprint than the Repulsor, and some oddly useful options, the Impulsor scores high on our list. It would have done even better if it had a transport cap of 10 vs 6. However, it’s going to be great for getting your characters where you need them to be. And it does have the Assault Vehicle rule so at least units can get out and do other stuff. It’s also going to be weirdly tougher than normal thanks to it’s option for a 4++ invulnerable save. If you think Rhinos are a annoying to shoot at, Impulsors are like that but ALSO ignore 1/2 the wounds you cause. Have fun with that! Oh and it has fly, too.
#2 – Stormraven
Stormravens are STILL good. They get a massive number of shots, they have the FLY keyword, and as a true flyer, they are a pain to deal with. They aren’t as dominate as they once were but that doesn’t mean they don’t have their uses. They can still carry a TON of models and everyone forgets that Stormravens can transport freaking Dreadnoughts, too! I’m still waiting for Iron Hands to remember the Stormraven…
#1 – Repulsor Executioner
The only downside to this tank is the fact that it’s got a transport cap of 6. However, that qualifies it for this list. But let’s be honest – you’re not taking this to battle as a transport. The Executioner spits out so many shots and so much damage it’s effectively a Main Battle Tank. The fact that it can carry Primaris is just a cherry on top. With Fly it can get to some truly dumb positions. And the repulsor field makes charging them a headache. Trios of these are popping up on the battlefield and causing problems – and that isn’t going to change anytime soon.
That’s our list for the Space Marine Transports – how would you rank them and why?