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Warhammer 40K: The Best Looking Drukhari Games Workshop Ever Made

3 Minute Read
Oct 11 2019
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The Drukhari have one of the more impressive model ranges from Games Workshop. Today, we’re looking at the best of the Dark Aeldari!

If you like spikes and speed, the Drukhari army offers both. The darker and more sinister brothern of the Craftworlds, the Drukhari seek both pleasure and pain – but mostly the pain. They enjoy it most when the can “gift” it to others. These Pirate-Raiders have gone through some changes over the years and their more recent plastic kits are some of the most techincally impressive from GW. We’re going over a handful of their kits that just really like based purely on aesthetics. They might not be the best of the best, ruleswise – but at least they look cool doing it!


When the plastic Scourges were released, they were a MASSIVE improvement over the old metal versions. We like the fact that their wings are all slightly different and they have a certain swooping, hawk-like dive to them as well. Plus, they actually DO pack a punch on the tabletop.


This might be heresy (if the Drukhari even believe in that) – but we actually like the Succubus model more than Lilith’s model. The pose has a lot of “forward momentum” and it just seems like she’s coming to kill you – which seems perfectly inline with the Dark Aeldari!


The Talos/Cronos kit is another one of our favorites. Not only was/is this model a MASSIVE improvement over it’s previous incarnation, it also represents something very unique about the Drukhari – Body Horror. Sure, they might not be daemons from the warp, but the Dark Aeldari have always had a knack for the grotesque – they even have a unit named as such. In fact, we debated that vs the Talos, but ultimately we think the floating-jack’d-up-torso-with-surgically-enhanced-weapons look was a bit “cooler” than the walking version. Plus this one is plastic. Take that Grotesques!

Voidraven Bomber


The Voidraven Bomber is a really unique kit. We were going back-and-forth between this, the Razorwing, and the Reavers but ultimately settled on this one for two reasons:

1 – This kit is really ambious from GW. It’s much larger than the Razorwing and honestly it could have been a Forge World kit on par with the something like the Nightwing. Fortunately GW opted for the plastic version and now we have this kit.

2 – The cockpit is truly unique among GW’s flyers. The double cockpit is already neat – but the fact that the front has that really cool “double-wide” glass canopy is what sets it above the rest.

It’s really a shame you don’t see this model more on the tabletop. But, again, it’s not here because of it’s rules – it’s here because it’s just plain cool.


New Incubi

Is it too soon to include them? They are up for pre-order this weekend so…we might be jumping the gun but whatever! We’re excited about these models and are happy that we’ve FINALLY got plastic versions over then current resin ones. Drazhar approves!


What Drukhari models would you have included in your favorite Dark Aeldari models?

Author: Adam Harrison
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