Warlord: Start Your Judge Dredd Miniatures Game Faction with These Mega Deals

Gather your force and enter Mega-City One – 400 million potential criminals and a handful of Judges to keep them in line. Judge Dredd from Warlord hits the streets this winter. Strontium Dog players will find the core rules for new miniatures game familiar – it expands on the skirmish rules while keeping with the feel of urban combat. The rulebook contains scenarios, new rules for fighting within buildings, using vehicles, and an easy way to grow your faction in linked games.
Each of these bundles comes with the collector’s edition rulebook. Pre-order any of these bundles by Sunday 20th October 11.59 pm GMT to have the rulebook in the starter set signed by the game’s authors: Andy Chambers, Roger Gerrish, and Gav Thorpe.
MEGA ONE – $365.00
This is the ultimate bundle, containing everything that accompanies the initial release of the game. Dish out street-justice or launch your Block Gang to notoriety.
- Judge Dredd Starter Game
- Judge Dredd Collector’s Edition Rulebook
- Judge Dredd Special Edition Miniature: Dredd vs Death
- Judge Dredd (foot and mounted)
- Dredd: Street Judges
- Denizens of Mega-City One
- Block Gang
- Block Gang Reinforcements
- The League of Fatties
- Free: Arch Villains of Mega-City One
MEGA JUDGES – $263.00
If your affiliation is to Justice (or vigilantism – in the case of ex-Judge Karl Raider) then the Mega Judges bundle is for you. As well as a healthy number of street judges, you’ll have Judge Dredd himself – a one man army, feared throughout the city and nigh-indestructible. With the Starter Set also included you’ll be more than ready to dish out justice throughout the megalopolis.
- Judge Dredd Starter Game
- Judge Dredd Collector’s Edition Rulebook
- Judge Dredd Special Edition Miniature: Dredd vs Death
- Dredd: Street Judges
- Denizens of Mega-City One
- Free: Judge Dredd (foot and mounted)
As well as the notorious block gangs and the infamous ‘fatties’ of Mega-City One, there are a number of villains capable of taking on even Judge Dredd himself including Orlock the Assassin and Judge Death. Backed up with a sizeable core of block gangers, (supplemented by the contents of the starter set) these villains are set to carve out heaps of trouble for the over-encumbered Justice Department of Mega-City One.
Full Contents:
- Judge Dredd Starter Game
- Judge Dredd Collector’s Edition Rulebook
- Judge Dredd Special Edition Miniature: Dredd vs Death
- Arch VIllains of Mega-City One
- Block Gang Reinforcements
- The League of Fatties
- Free: Block Gang