40K: Focused Fire Episode 13 – Special Guest Colin Sherman : TFG Radio

This week on Focused Fire Allan and Jeff are joined by special guest Colin Sherman, from the Best in Faction Podcast. They talk how Eldar are fairing in the new marine meta, Allan’s adventure at SoCal Open, and more.
Allan and Jeff are back for lucky episode 13! This episode they are joined by Colin Sherman, from the Best in Faction Podcast and organizer of Charity Hammer. They discuss the effect that the new marine books have had on playing Eldar, Allan’s Eldar adventure at SoCal Open, and more!
TFG Radio Presents: Focus Fire Episode 13
~I hope you enjoy the show! Be sure to say something in the comments section. Whether it’s your opinion of the show itself, or just to suggest something we could talk about in the future, be sure to drop us a line.