D&D: If Elected Andrew Yang Would Bring D&D To The White House

In an interview with Ian Bremmer of GZero, 2020 Democratic hopeful Andrew Yang said he’d play D&D in the White House. What even is this world anymore.
First things first, let’s not take this as a ringing endorsement of any particular candidate. After all, 2020 is still a ways off and the candidates still have several debates, the talent portion, and the swimsuit section to get through before BoLS would be anywhere close to recommending a nominee. But, after a recent interview with GZero’s Ian Bremmer has revealed that not only would Andrew Yang play D&D in the White House (under certain circumstances), but he is in fact a former elf.
You can find the full details here in this lightning round video where Yang answers rapid fire questions from Bremmer, and admits, “I made that save.”
If elected president, would @AndrewYang play Dungeons & Dragons in the White House?
Watch @GZEROMedia's full episode on the #Yang2020 campaign: https://t.co/FgsGD39f8U #DnD pic.twitter.com/iNLTgsIqxX
— ian bremmer (@ianbremmer) November 19, 2019
It hammers home the fact that, as the years roll by and the crowd of D&D players grows ever wider, we may live to see a day when the sitting president is also the Paladin-In-Chief. And while I’m pretty sure that has to be an episode of the West Wing from one of the lost seasons, this is probably the closest a roleplaying game has come to the Oval Office. Shortly following the announcement, D&D’s Greg Tito responded:
I want to DM for Storm Halfhand, elf warrior. #DnD #WotCStaff https://t.co/SXmVLLCa6y
— Greg Tito (@Gregtito) November 18, 2019
And the official D&D account seems to hold out hope that they might have a candidate on their podcast.
@AndrewYang lets roll some dice on Dragon Talk, our official podcast!
— Dungeons & Dragons (@Wizards_DnD) November 18, 2019
D&D is for everyone, after all. And for those of you wondering if this means that D&D would have to offer equal time to the other candidates, the sad reality is the Equal Time rule only applies to broadcast TV and/or radio. Podcasts fall outside of the purview, so there’s probably little chance of seeing a presidential candidate D&D campaign at the moment. Just the regular kind of campaign.
Even so, what a world we live in.
I don’t know what anything means anymore, but happy adventuring!