GW Rumor Engine: Stone Age Hard Disk

It looks like we’ve got ourselves a new mystery to solve from Games Workshop – it’s Rumor Engine Time!
We’ve got a stone age mystery on our hands with this latest Rumor Engine. Either that or I think we need to call in Dr. Jones and find the map room…
“Take a good, hard look at this week’s Rumour Engine image. Heck, take a few of ‘em – we don’t mind. In this picture is the promise of something amazing…”
So my gut instinct is Lizardmen Seraphon. We’ve got a “stone” disc inside a metal ring/brace that is attached to something else. We know that stone and metal are kind of their motif.
Could this be another ancient Seraphon device? Perhaps a new way to focus their non-space lasers on their foes? A new focal point of magical destruction? There are lots of possibilities.
On the flip side, I’m also getting a weird necron vibe. It’s just the symbols on the inside of the disc however.
With the right paint job, Necron vehicles do look similar to stone – obsidian to be exact. Perhaps this disc isn’t stone age but something far older instead?
I’m also really curious to see what this thing is attached too! It sure looks like there is something else to the side and below of this bit. I can’t wait to find out what this one ends up being. Necrons or Seraphon? Or something even crazier!
Alright Internet Detectives, let us know what you think this one could be in the comments!