Miniature Community Spotlight: Heroes & Villains

These are some of our favorites from this week’s Miniature Monday and WIP Wednesday on social media. Come take a look at what the community is working on!
Stick a fork in him, he's done! The Thousand Sons Leviathan Dreadnought is finally finished?#miniaturepainting #gamesworkshop #paintingwarhammer
— Kathryn Crowell (@ChaosChicPaints) November 11, 2019
Finished an Eversor Assassin on commission for a friend. #warhammer40k #eversor #Deadpool
— GreyedOrk (teef/dice bags) (@greylikestorms) November 11, 2019
And here's the second two Maneaters from tonight's stream.
— Chris Peach (@ChrisPeach001) November 6, 2019
Finally the Van Saars are all finished! #necromunda
— Oliver (@ReaktorMinis) November 7, 2019
If you saw something you liked, be sure to follow the artist on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. Want to share what you’re working on? Drop it in the comments – we’d love to see what you’re creating.