Miniatures Showcase: Sword and Brush 2019 – Part 2

Today’s post is a continuation of my last Sword and Brush post on Bell of Lost Souls. This time, we are looking at four more well painted miniatures from the painting competition in Burlington, Ontario, Canada. Let’s take a closer look!
Sword and Brush
The caliber of painting at Burlington, Ontario’s Sword Brush 2019 was absolutely amazing. If you are into painting to a high level, I recommend you look into this event. Anyone who wins deserves some serious bragging rights. Sword and Brush 2020 is currently set for September 11 to 13 (2020 of course). That gives you lots of time to get your entries ready. š
Now on to the main content of this article.
The Polish Winged Hussar
Check out the character on this 1/9th bust by MJ Miniatures. Absolutely awesome!

The Polish Winged Hussar at Sword and Brush 2019. Image from Must Contain Minis.
This model comes as 17 resin pieces and a small bit of aluminum too. If you want to read a little bit about the Hussars, please feel free to check out the original article on MCM.
Krull is an enslaved demon made by Mierce Miniatures. This one happens to be painted by Travis of Hotdice Miniatures. For those interested, Hotdice Miniatures sells double-sided neoprene gaming mats made by them and they provide commission painting services. He also has an interesting blog on his site.

Absolutely Stunning!!! Image from Must Contain Minis.
This image is one of my favourites of the model, but if you want to check out more, you can in my original article.
Remembrance Day Diorama
One of the competitors brought in a Diorama for Remembrance Day / Veterans Day. This was an interesting model too. The actual kit is by Master Box Ltd.

A well done World War One Diorama. Image from Must Contain Minis.
If you want to check out more of this diorama, check out the original article.
The Great Cthulhu
To end today’s article, I have an image of the Great Cthulhu. This model is by Fenris Games, but a plastic version of the model is also in the board game – Cthulhu Wars.

The Great Cthulhu. Image from Must Contain Minis.
You can check out more about this miniature in my original article.
Wrapping it up…
Hopefully, you enjoyed this quick showcase piece. In this article, I aimed to show off some great paintingĀ talent from a local gaming convention (Ontario, Canada). If you live close to Ontario (or in Ontario), checking out the Ontario Miniatures Gaming Convention Page might be worth your while to get events onto your radar.
Sword and Brush really drew out some amazing talent from across the province. As you can tell, the subject mater for the competition was very broad and inclusive of many genres and scales.
Thanks for reading and until next time, Happy Gaming Everyone!!!
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