Tabletop Kickstarter Round-Up: November 6, 2019

Comic book heroes, Vikings, bears, and a league of criminals are all available to back. Come check out this week’s batch of crowdfunding highlights!
Scott Pilgrim Miniatures the World
This re-launch includes the option to add unpainted minis, upgrades, and a lower price point. It’s designed by Erica Bouyouris is based on the award-winning graphic novel series by Bryan Lee O’Malley.
Scott Pilgrim Miniatures the World is a competitive board game where on team takes on the role of Scott and the other good guys to fight against the League of Evil Exes. The action takes place on a pop-up board with large-scale detailed miniatures, custom dice, and 3D constructible objects for smashing and throwing!
The core game is $60 with unpainted minis and $80 with painted minis.
League of Infamy
This dungeon crawler was designed by the team behind hit games Hellboy: The Board Game and Dungeon Saga: The Dwarf’s Kings Quest. The core set includes over 70 minis, a full color rulebook, and all of the tokens and cards for up to 5 players.
Join a rogue’s gallery of misfits, ne’er-do-wells and miscreants on a disgraceful mission to kidnap cute little baby Drakons, steal their eggs and viciously wipe out any irritating, goody-goody Elves that try to stop your nefarious schemes. But it’s not just the Elves you’ll need to keep a wary eye on. Your fellow (mis)adventurers are just as likely to betray you and steal your loot, shove you into harm’s way or just leave you in a dungeon full of unbeatable foes. As they like to say in the League of Infamy – ‘keep your enemies close but keep your friends at knifepoint’.
You can pick up the core game, an expansion, some KS exclusives, and stretch goals for $97.
GrymmWorld – 5e Setting
Add some fairy tale style stories to your next campaign with this setting book from author Grant Ellis (you may know him from WebDM) with beautiful art from Samantha Darcy.
This book offers both Players and Dungeon Masters a new way to experience 5th Edition, altering the core rules to facilitate powerful storytelling that makes you feel like you are playing (or running!) an adventurous fairy tale. GrymmWorld is a strange place; full of danger, whimsy, and peculiarity. It is all great fables brought to life and woven seamlessly together by the exceptional talent producing this book. GrymmWorld is about rediscovering your childhood and unleashing your inner muse.
A full-color hardcover plus digital for $44.
Runaljod: The Sound of the Runes
This viking centric game uses an AI deck and runes to influence gameplay.
Runaljod: The Sound of the Runes is a miniature game with an innovative game mechanic based on runes that you will have throw to manage your actions. The orientation of the runes as they fall on the board will show you the options that you have during your turn, such as activating your Hero’s own skills, exploring new territories or even invoking the power of the Gods.
An A.I. deck system will tell you which actions will the enemies perform each round. In Runaljod your goal will be to take down mythological creatures that, by forces beyond your knowledge, have managed to enter your world. Only the bravest heroes will be chosen by the gods for such a hard task. Embrace the blessing of the gods, trust the power of runes and make your glorious entrance to the halls of Valhalla!
The core game with 22 miniatures is $99.
Iconic Races of Midgard Miniatures
Effincool minis is offering some great looking minis based on Kobold Press’ Midgard campaign setting. These look like a good option for RPG gamers and folks that play miniature neutral skirmish games.
All of the miniatures in this campaign will be produced using 100% lead free pewter. All miniatures will be supplied unpainted. Multipart miniatures will require some assembly. Each of the minis will also be available as separate ADD-ONs. To add any of them to your plege, please add $6 for each to your pledge now. During the survey you will be asked to select the miniatures that you want.
Scavenger – 5e Setting
A Bronze-Age punk setting for 5e players that offers a world of vagabonds and strange magic that’s warping everything beyond recognition. What drew me to it is the art – it’s gorgeous and worth the hardback price alone.
Explore the broken world of Akara and the weird world of Torn with this book of gripping stories, daring characters, breathtaking art, and new rules for the 5th Edition of the world’s most popular roleplaying game. Explorers, wanderers, treasure hunters or marauders – all of them are scavengers drawn to this old and alien world. Some seek knowledge, and others salvation. The spiritual search for enlightenment and the greedy for riches. What is it that you’re hoping to find?
You can pick up a hardcover book with a faux-leather slipcover, a ribbon bookmark, gilded pages, silk binding, and high quality paper for $40.
Gelatinous Cube Soap
This week’s wildcard and a great gift for your favorite GM or player – Gelatinous Cube Soap. The creator made them for her gaming group initially, and they were such a hit that she wants to offer them to more folks – she’s had to add a second run since the KS started. Each lime scented soap cube is 2.5 inches across and contains a set of polyhedral dice.
One cube is $16 and ships from Canada.
~Which Of These Campaigns Caught Your Attention?