Age of Sigmar – Meet the Cruelest Kitty of Them All – Mindstealer Sphiranx

Let’s take a look at one of Archaon’s feline friends. You know how cats love to play with their food…
The New Slaves to Darkness books is fantastic. It combines all the old Warriors of Chaos range with, the Everchosen models, then adds Warcry’s warbands and beasts with a couple of new monsters for good measure. Today we look at the Mindstealer Sphiranx. One funky feline with an origin story you wont believe.
The Mini
The Lore
The Rules
I already have some ideas for this cute guy. First note the extremely large 12″ radius of Telepathic Dread‘s -2 Bravery. It seems kinda nice. But then note that Archaon’s Crown of Domination does the same thing. I think Archaon should always travel with one of his favorite kitties to throw out a -4 Bravery bubble across a 24″ diameter section of the table. Bravery 1 Gloomspite Gitz makes me laugh and laugh.
Next, Dominate Mind is a really mean ability with a convoluted way of describing a 5 in 6 chance for the effect to go off. Age of Sigmar has a few of these “fun” ways of doing abilities that can be easily performed with flat die rolls. I guess the Design Studio want to make some elements of the game more interactive and have the feel of a mini-game. I’ll leave that one for you all to decide if you like it or not.
Finally the background of greedy mystics who made a bad deal with Chaos, only to turn into deadly and cruel cats is fantastic. This is what every Eldar Gryinx wants to grow up to be.
~What do you think of the new cat, and are you ready to make the toughest assembly decision – tongue in, or out?