Conquest: Warriors from the North – Nords Now Available to Pre-Order

The fourth faction for Para Bellum’s dark fantasy wargame have arrived – the battle hardened people of Manheim are not to be trifled with.
The new release includes new characters, infantry regiments, and a monster that will tower over the enemy. Each box comes with a Command Card that includes a QR code to access rule updates. These Nords range from 46mm to 139mm tall and are in scale with the rest of the game – it’s a little bigger than what many are used to, but it’s one of the many things that sets this dark game apart from others out there. Another is the lore, which you can dig into on their website.
Nord Character: Blooded – $20.00
- 1 Miniature with Base
- 1 Command Card
Nord Character: Jarl – $20.00
- 1 Miniature with Base
- 1 Command Card
Nord Raiders – $36.00
- 12 Raiders with Round Bases
- Options to Make 2 Command Models
- 3 Infantry Stands
- 1 Command Card
Nord Stalkers – $36.00
- 12 Stalkers with Round Bases
- Options to Make 2 Command Models
- 3 Infantry Stands
- 1 Command Card
Nord Mountain Jotnar – $65.00
- 1 Mountain Jotun (with three head variations) with Round Base
- 1 Monster Stand
- 1 Command Card