Games Workshop: Spannerz Christmas Loot

How about some cool, Spannerz themed Ornaments and Wrapping Paper for the 40k player in your life? Ask and you shall receive!
Games Workshop is in the Christmas Spirit and have a new batch of 40k orky-themed ornaments and wrapping paper from the artist behind the Spannerz Series. These are totally free downloads and are all paper-craft so you can print them out and deck the halls with dakka-ornaments this year!
Spannerz Christmans Loots Download
We’d love to see what you do with these ornaments, wrapping paper designs, and especially the Snow-grot Ears! Post pics of your creations on our Warhammer 40,000 Facebook page and on Instagram, using #SpannerzChristmas.
Download them, print them, and use them this holiday season!
That Wrapping Paper is kind of awesome. I’m totally saving this stuff for the years ahead…