RPG: In Space, No One Can Hear You Scream That The Alien RPG Is Here

The Alien RPG is here, and now it’s time to explore the cold emptiness of space for the benefit of Weyland Yutani. Will you make it out alive?
Hold on to your butts. No wait. Wrong movie–I meant game over man, game over–except that’s not actually true, because the game is about to begin. The game of Alien the RPG that is, and despite that clunky segue whih makes it sound like an Alien-ized version of the Game of Life, which I would also play, we’re talking about an RPG based on the same system that powers the hit Tales from the Loop game. Only the game has been adapted specifically for the dark, horror that runs in Alien. This is not necessarily a game you survive, and I mean that in the best way. There are two modes of play, campaign play, which is a normal RPG and then cinematic style, which is meant to evoke the fear of the movies. Well the 1st movie, maybe the 2nd, but after that, well…
Jokes about whether or not Alien 3 is a masterpiece aside, the game looks amazing. And Modiphius, partnering here with Fria Lagan, who also published Tales from the Loop, is bringing you this sci-fi experience that’s not to be missed. Check it out.
Alien – $52.51
This is the official ALIEN tabletop roleplaying game—a universe of body horror and corporate brinkmanship, where synthetic people play god while space truckers and marines serve host to newborn ghoulish creatures. It’s a harsh and unforgiving universe and you are nothing if not expendable.
Stay alive if you can.
The ALIEN tabletop roleplaying game is a beautifully illustrated full-color hardcover book of 392 pages, both presenting the world of ALIEN in the year 2183 and a fast and effective ruleset designed specifically to enhance the ALIEN experience. The game supports two distinct game modes:
- Cinematic play is based on pre-made scenarios that emulate the dramatic arc of an ALIEN film. Designed to be played in a single session, this game mode emphasizes high stakes and fast and brutal play. You are not all expected to survive. The core rulebook contains one introductory Cinematic scenario, Hope’s Last Day.
- Campaign play is designed for longer continuous play with the same cast of player characters over many game sessions, letting you explore the ALIEN universe freely, sandbox style. The core rulebook contains random tables and other powerful tools to quickly create star systems, colonies, missions, encounters, and NPCs for your campaign.
The rules of the game are based on the acclaimed Year Zero Engine, used in award-winning games such as Tales from the Loop and Mutant: Year Zero, but adapted and further developed to fully support and enhance the core themes of ALIEN: horror and action in the cold darkness of space.
Chariot of the Gods – $20.99
Chariot of the Gods is a complete Cinematic Scenario for the ALIEN Roleplaying Game written by sci-fi novelist Andrew E.C. Gaska.
The job was routine, the money fair. Then the damn company diverted you to answer a distress call from a ship that disappeared almost 80 years ago—a derelict carrying something bizarre, twisted, and alien. What the ship’s frozen crew brought back with them was bad enough—what they themselves were turning into was a bloody nightmare. Add to that an annoying sensor ghost shadowing you in the void, and your stress level is shot.
AdvertisementIt’s all a bit much.
You don’t get paid enough to deal with monsters. But hold your breath, count to three, and play your cards right with this one, and you just might walk away very rich. Oh, who am I kidding?
You’re all going to die.
The 48-page booklet designed to introduce you to the game while at the same time taking you on a thrilling, terror-filled ride into deep space where no one can hear you scream. Chariot of the Gods is designed for 3–5 players plus the GM and takes at least 4–5 hours to complete.
A deluxe Game Mother’s Screen in landscape format for the official ALIEN Roleplaying Game. It features Martin Grip’s art on the outside and a host of useful tables and important information on the inside, while keeping the GM’s plans hidden from the eyes of inquisitive players.
Alien RPG Game Mother Screen – $26.25
A deluxe Game Mother’s Screen in landscape format for the official ALIEN Roleplaying Game. It features Martin Grip’s art on the outside and a host of useful tables and important information on the inside, while keeping the GM’s plans hidden from the eyes of inquisitive players.