Superman Plays Warhammer, 40K’s Lost Characters, RPG Spice & Pathfinder, plus GW Xmas Reveals

We’re all home for the holidays and we have lots of tabletop and RPG cheer. Wow Superman plays Warhammer, 40K’s lost characters, spicing up your RPGs, Pathfinder and Crisis Protocol latest, plus GW’s Christmas plans.
It’s Official, Superman Plays Total War: Warhammer
Have you ever wondered what army Superman would play, if he picked up Warhammer? How about Geralt? Now you can find out.
Pimpcron: You Probably Don’t Know You Suck
Pimpcron has some tough love for you all today.
Warhammer 40K Retro: 5 Characters Lost To Time
So many miniatures, so many rules. So many in fact that they don’t always make the jump from edition to edition. Here are some of our lost favorites.
Crisis Protocol: Venom, Shuri, Okoye & Terrain
Marvel Crisis Protocol has some new expansions and we’ve got our hands on them! Check out these three new sets coming your way!
RPG: Add Some Spice To Your Encounters
Wanna make your encounters stand out? Here are a few ways to add some spice to your encounters and make them more dynamic.
Pathfinder: Pre-Order The Pantheon Of 2nd Edition – Gods & Magic
What do the gods of Golarion think of the changes that brought about 2nd edition? What new options await divine players in this new setting book?
AoS Hero Focus: Big Bad Archaon
When it comes to Chaos in the Mortal Realms, nobody is a bigger threat than Archaon the Everchosen. And on the tabletop, he can be especially mean.
Warhammer 40K: Phoenix Lord Theme Songs
The Phoenix Lords are the most iconic warriors the Aeldari have to offer. It stands to reason that they should have some pretty iconic theme music as well.
Warhammer 40K: Big Reveals Coming On Christmas Day
It’s too soon to open presents, but it looks like Games Workshop is putting something special under the tree. What could it be?