Warlord Games: Meet the Judges of Mega-City One

Meet the one person armies that patrol the dangerous streets of the giant metropolis – the Judges.
The new miniatures game from Warlord expands on the skirmish rules of Strontium Dog while keeping the feel of urban combat. The rulebook contains scenarios, new rules for fighting within buildings, using vehicles, and an easy way to grow your faction in linked games. These new bundles add more characters, and starter rules and forces, so you can jump right into the game. The Judges are at the center of the game, let’s take a look at what they’re like on the tabletop.
A rookie Judge is recruited as a child and benefits from years of exhaustive training before (hopefully) graduating at 20 years of age. Once they hit the street as a full Judge, they are the front line of law enforcement on the lethal streets of Mega-City One.
Whilst Judges are highly trained and well-equipped, they both inhabit and protect a dangerous world. Demonic, undead and/or alien invasions are real possibilities, as are apocalyptic wars. Temporal and interdimensional travel exposes the world to threats from across time and alternative realities. Even domestic robots have a penchant for bloody revolt. Having invested so many years and resources in the training of their new Judges, the Justice Department is keen to maximise the Judges’ chances of survival. For this reason, Judges are issued with the very best equipment available.
Upon graduation, Street Judges will be issued with the following equipment:
- Lawgiver – The standard sidearm of the Mega-City Judge, the Lawgiver can fire a variety of different rounds.
- Body Armour – Judges wear toughened bodysuits, a variety of armoured pads and, of course, a helmet. This body armour is lightweight and durable enough to provide your tabletop Judges with heightened Resists stats, but not at the expense of their Evade.
- Daystick – Nothing says, ‘cease and desist’ like a truncheon to the head.
- Boot knife – Strictly a backup weapon, the boot knife should be used to dissuade perps from further violence, or as a survival aid in inhospitable environments.
- Lawmaster – The standard mode of transport for Judges, the Lawmaster is an armoured motorbike fitted with bullet-proof tyres, a variety of weapons and a computer. This computer can control the Lawmaster autonomously, enabling the rider to dismount and leave the Lawmaster to act alone.
Judges can be issued with a variety of other weapons and pieces of equipment courtesy of Armoury Cards. These items include ‘Birdie’ lie detectors, med-packs, respirators and more. Prudent use of these items is vital if Judges are to prevail in the face of the perps and creeps that lurk in Mega-City One.
Learn more about the Judges in the new miniatures game here.
Start playing Judge Dredd today!