Age of Sigmar: Tzeentch’s Endless Spells Preview

If you’re a Tzeentch Wizard then you’re about to get access to some brand new weapons in your arsenal – Check out the new Endless Spells of Tzeentch!
Saying “It’s about time” really isn’t doing the wait justice. Tzeentch is known for magic and the fact that it’s taken this long for the followers of this particular patron of chaos to get Endless Spells is a shame. But hey, better late than never I suppose. Anyhow, today we’re getting a look at the three new Endless Spells of Tzeentch and what they are going to do on the tabletop. And for the record – ANY Tzeentch Wizard can use these new spells:
These endless spells can be used by any Tzeentch Wizard, which means that they’re also available to Tzeentch-marked Slaves to Darkness Wizards as well as Tzaangor Shamans in Beasts of Chaos armies. So, if you collect these forces, read on – this matters for you, too!
The Burning Sigil of Tzeentch
This new Endless Spells is less an icon of inspiration and more a “magical landmine” waiting to do some serious damage. That’s in part because it’s abilities are “highly random” – hey, it’s magic afterall. For example if you happen to roll a 1 at the end of your movement phase you might have a chance to turn your enemies into chaos spawn thanks to Dismembered by Change:
But if you rolled a 5, your units might get the benefit of an extra attack until your next hero phase:
Tome of Eyes
If you’re playing a Tzeentch army, odds are you like casting spells. And if you want to cast a lot of spells, this Endless Spell is going to really help with that.
For starters, it gives you a re-roll on your casting rolls which, for this army, could be pretty darn handy. Secondly, it allows you to automatically cast unbindable spells on a 2 or 12 – yep, you read that right. Roll a 2 and the spell still gets cast! The downside is that a 2 or 12 also means the caster is taking D3 mortal wounds. There is always a price for power.
Oh, we’re not done yet either. This Endless Spell also opens up the option to cast yet another spell! It’s a Russian nesting doll of spells here, folks. That spell is called the Parchment Curse:
Daemonic Simulacrum
Of the three Endless Spells, this one is probably the most straightforward of the bunch. It’s pretty similar to other Endless Spells that just move forward and hit things. But sometimes all you need your spells to do is go smash the enemy, right?
9 Dice that do a mortal wound on a 5+? Not bad. And if the unit is a Wizard, it’s on a 4+? Again, not too shabby.
Overall, these spells do sound pretty fitting for Tzeentch’s followers to use. They add some extra stuff and could be potent in the right army list. Plus they are very thematic. As Wwarhammer Community said, “what could be more Tzeentchian than a book that reads you back?”
These Endless Spells along with their new Battletome are slated for Pre-Order this weekend from Games Workshop!