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AoS: 3 Reasons I’m Hype About the LVO Previews

2 Minute Read
Jan 26 2020

The LVO previews are live, and man oh man are they some spicy views. New Aelves, new Lizards, and some new sick boyes could mean a lot for the hobby. Here’s why I’m hype for all the new releases.

Lumineth Realm-lords

At long last, Teclis is bringing his armies from Hysh to the Mortal Realms, and with them a host of awesome new models. Similar to the Ossiarchs release a few months ago, a brand new army will completely change the face of AoS, and I’m excited to see how they will function on the tabletop. The Teclis and Eltharion models are definite standouts to me, Eltharion especially, and they will definitely be popular with other players as well, if for no other reason than to paint up as centerpiece models. Honestly, though, I’m just hoping all of these new armies and the release of these models heralds something I’ve been hoping for since I first read the Daughters of Khaine battletome; the return of Malerion, my Dark Elf boye.


Ah yes, finally, the long awaited update of Lizar- I mean Seraphon is on its way, and they’re bringing some cool stuff along. We haven’t seen much, but the art on the new cover and the huge terrain piece are definitely something to look forward to. I hope the rules for summoning and spells balance out for them, and that they are brought in line with the meta in short order. There are so many options for Endless Spells for Seraphon, and I really hope we see something cool for them in the near future. And even though I don’t NEED any new armies, I have always wanted to paint up a Carnosaur, and this seems like as good an excuse as any.

The Wurmspat


A drippy Nurgle warband is headed to Warhammer Underworlds, and they are as wonderfully characterful as the other Nurgle releases. Something about the manic joy captured in many of Nurgle’s models is so pleasing to me as a player, especially alongside the decaying, disease-ridden bodies. Not only will these guys probably be a powerful warband, but I’m hoping it means that an updated Nurgle battletome is on its way in short order, making all the Chaos armies up to date. I suppose only time will tell, but I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

What were you most excited about from LVO?

Author: Clint Lienau
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