Goatboy’s 40K – CSM Triple Battalion Swarm

I love to play big monster armies, but sometimes I like pushing around a plethora of models. Three Battalions worth of Chaos!
Big ole units of idiots running up the field, shouting nonsense, and hopefully getting into trouble. That is the plan with the following list that is full of Mark of Khorne jerks, no big monsters, and a ton of warm bodies that get into assault as fast as they can. Will this army work? Enh maybe sometimes. Will it look awesome? Well if my conversion ideas work out they sure as hell will.
Let’s throw out the pure Chaos Space Marine list and then go into how I would want to convert it.
CSM Triple Battalion of Batsh$t Crazy Jerks!
World Eaters Battalion – +5CP
Specialist Detachment – Raptorial Host – -1CP
Specialist Warlord Trait – -1CP
Chaos Lord with Jump Pack – MoK, Thunder Hammer, Chainsword – Specialist Warlord – Tip of the Claw – 133pts
Chaos Lord with Jump Pack – MoK, Lightning Claws X 2 – Warlord – Violent Urgency – 103pts
Chaos Cultists X 10 – MoK – 40pts
Khorne Berzerkers X 5 – 75pts
Khorne Berzerkers X 5 – 75pts
Chaos Rapters – MoK, Asp Champ – Chainaxe/Chainsword – Icon of Wrath – 236pts
Chaos Rapters – MoK, Asp Champ – Chainaxe/Chainsword – Icon of Wrath – 236pts
-Dedicated Transport-
Chaos Rhino – MoK, Combi-Bolter X 2 – 69pts
Chaos Rhino – MoK, Combi-Bolter X 2 – 69pts
Chaos Rhino – MoK, Combi-Bolter X 2 – 69pts
World Eaters Battalion – +5CP
Dark Apostle – MoK – 72pts
Exalted Champion – MoK, Chainsword X 2 – 70pts
Dark Disciples X 2 – 10pts
Khorne Berzerkers X 5 – 75pts
Khorne Berzerkers X 5 – 75pts
Khorne Berzerkers X 5 – 75pts
Night Lords Battalion Detachment – +5CP
Chaos Lord with Jump Pack – MoK, Lightning Claws X 2, Relic – Night Lord Klaws -1CP – 103pts
Chaos Lord in Terminator Armor – MoK, Lightning Claws X 2, Relic – Daemon Weapon Claws – 105pts
Cultists X 10 – MoK – 40pts
Cultists X 10 – MoK – 40pts
Cultists X 10 – MoK – 40pts
Warp Talons X 10 – MoK – 190pts
PTS – 2000 / CP – +15
Human Wave Chaos Tactics
The idea here is to have 2 big units of Raptors go bother an opponent turn one. They have a 9 inch move, have +3 to charges, and can reroll charges. This gives you a 9+12+2d6+3 – so 26″ to 36″ of threat range to go do something. The Warp Talons come in later and tie things up as needed as well as having a ton more Lords to go punch things. It is most likely a terrible list but the sheer fear some armies will have seeing so may crazy Khorne dudes coming for you has to be worth it. The Dark Apostle ends up having the 5+ inv save ability to throw out and protect the two big blobs of Raptors and the Rhinos fully of precious goodness.
Now onto the conversion idea – I wanted to take the new Chaos warriors with their shields, add on a chainsword arm and then throw a jump pack on them. Swap out their heads for some Zerker looking heads and you got something neat to figure out. I still might change some things and go get a set of Red Butchers to help out too – but this is again a thought on a cool looking army. I got some of the Warriors and have some Zerker heads laying around so I might do some kit bashing to test out how a Raptor looks. We’ll see if it ends up working out in the coming weeks to show up on the paint stream or not.
~Do you like giant infantry swarm armies?