Goatboy’s 40K: Possessed Bomb & Chaos Knights Team-up

I’d like you meet the Chaos Possessed bomb and it’s BIG friends.
You got two weeks of good guy lists – and with updates to Dark Angels and Grey Knights – I am sure I will make more. But back to some Chaos stuff as I threw together an interesting list in Battlescribe that might be good. Chaos Knights are a decent gate keeper army with issues with assault elements that can get in, get smashing, and hurting your big tough models. This got me to thinking – can we smash in the Possessed bomb to help protect your knights, answer magical boxes, and maybe let you win some games?
Let me introduce you to…
Possessed Bomb with some Knight Friends
Chaos Space Marine Battalion – +5CP
Legion – Alpha Legion
Specialist Detachment: Daemonkin Ritualists – 1CP
Master of Possession – Mark of Nurgle, Force Staff, Warlord – Shephard of the Truth – 88pts
Sorcerer with Jump Pack – Mark of Nurgle, Force Staff – 116pts
Dark Apostle – Mark of Nurgle – 72pts
Dark Apostles – 10pts
Possessed X 20 – 340pts
Cultists X 10 – 40pts
Cultists X 10 – 40pts
Cultists X 10 – 40pts
Chaos Knight Super heavy Detachment – +6CP
Iconoclast Household
Leader Chaos Knight Despoiler – Thermal Cannon X 2, Heavy Stubber, Relic – Veil of Medrengard – 397pts
Chaos Knight Despoiler – Thermal Cannon X 2, Heavy Stubber – 397pts
Chaos Knight Despoiler – Thermal Cannon X 2, Heavy Stubber – 397pts
PTS: 1997 CP: +13
Chaotic Tactics
Basically the thought is to use the Possessed to push the opponent out and move towards the middle as the Knights throw down punishing firepower down field. The Possessed can force infantry out of ruins and let you have a big old board presence. Would this work? I have even thought of using the 3 Lord of Skulls in some kind of mismash too as it will let me be fully Chaos Space Marine.
It feels like this is a good list to bring to an event you to play your games quick, have a lot of offensive power, and give you a little bit of game play that doesn’t just revolve on getting lucky with Ion Shield saves. The crazy thing is that I even have this list ready to go with the other 2 designs for LVO. We’ll see what I end up bringing (who am I kidding it should be the 3 Lord of Skulls I finished up) at the end of the month.
~I am Alpharius