Goatboy’s 40K: Revenge of the Ravenwing

Goatboy here with an army list for the Sons of the Lion today. I always had a soft spot in my evil heart for those biker loving armies.
It is kind of depressing you can’t take bikers as troops any longer – but it is most likely for the best. But still – it makes me wish for the days where you went zoom zoom and pushed all your biker Knights around the table and tried to defeat the dragon (opponent) with class, sass, and maybe showing a little bit of gumption. With that – lets throw together a list of Black Knights and see if something could actually work.
Dark Angels HO!
Goatboy’s Army List – Black Knights on Parade! V.1
Dark Angels Battalion – +5CP
Sammie on the bike – 140pts
Ravenwing Talonmaster – TWL Heavy Bolter, TWL Assault Cannon, Power Sword, Warlord – Impeccable Mobility, Relic – Corvus Oculus – 188pts
Ravenwing Talonmaster – TWL Heavy Bolter, TWL Assault Cannon, Power Sword – 188pts
Scouts X 5 – 55pts
Scouts X 5 – 55pts
Scouts X 5 – 55pts
Ravenwing Black Knights X 10 – 340pts
Ravenwing Black Knights X 10 – 340pts
Ravenwing Darkshroud – 138pts
Dark Angels Battalion – +5CP
Master in Cataphractii Armor – Thunder Hammer, Combi-Bolter – 148pts
Master in Cataphractii Armor – Thunder Hammer, Combi-Bolter – 148pts
Scouts X 5 – 55pts
Scouts X 5 – 55pts
Scouts X 5 – 55pts
PTS: 1960 (could get some snipes, maybe add some other random stuff) CP: +13
Unforgiven Tactics
The idea here is you are aggressive with the Ravenwing and push forward. You utilize some stratagems to get closer hitting Smash Captains in the Master in Cataphractii armor with 6 inch charges. This is especially useful if you need to chase someone out of a building or behind some LOS blocking terrain. There might be some use changing the Ravenwing Detachment into an Attack Squadron but it feels like it is too CP heavy to be a ton of use. The scouts are something needed and again you can swap some things to Primaris ones as you have 40 points left if you would like one unit. The Darkshroud seems like a gimmick that will get shot but with the two big units of Knights moving up it could survive a bit longer. The other thought would be to find some room for the Ravenwing biker characters as well – I just didn’t feel like I would use the +1 attack option nearly as much or the heal if I am moving to far forward.
You could give the extra Talon Master the other new Warlord Trait – Outrider – and push a unit of Black Knights with the Talon master to the middle of the board and set up a mean first turn. The extra range the Dark Angels get and the ability to advance and shoot normal within the main Warlord means these models are going to pour out a ton of Plasma Damage. A few uses of the +1 to hit if a Speeder sees a unit (both Talon Masters are Ravenwing Land Speeders in their keywords) and you get a crazy amount of damage that pours out. It might actually work hah.
The best thing about this army – its a full Dark Angels army that utilizes a lot of Plasma, some cool rules from the new book, and will look pretty cool on the table top. I happened to have painted a cool Dark Angels army built upon a Legion of the Damned scheme. I didn’t do the conversions but painted a good chunk of it for a buddy of mine. This sort of stuff could work for him and feels like he can actually go after the Best Dark Angels in the ITC.
RIDE my Brothers!
Did you know George A. Romero made a movie about Dark Angels in 1981? BOHOLD!