GW Pre-Orders Pricing & Links: Adepta Sororitas In The House

Plastic Sisters of Battle are finally here.
via Games Workshop
Codex: Adepta Sororitas (Collector’s Edition) $80
The Adepta Sororitas are the military arm of the Ecclesiarchy, taking the fight to the faithless with holy fire and fury. Inside this 112-page hardback codex, you’ll find everything you need to field the valiant Sisters of Battle, plus thrilling lore and art to inspire your own collection.
The collector’s edition is only available while stocks last, and comes with unique design details, including a soft-touch cover with special artwork on both sides, black page edges, and a black ribbon bookmark.
Codex: Adepta Sororitas $40
Inside this book, you’ll find:
– The history of the Adepta Sororitas, with a look at how these holy warriors annihilate the enemies with bolter, melta and flamer
– An Adepta Sororitas bestiary with background details for every unit and Character featured
– A showcase of stunningly painted Citadel miniatures
– Rules for Adepta Sororitas units that are available to every Order
– Stratagems, Warlord Traits, Order Convictions and Relics of the Ecclesiarchy that define the ways that the Adepta Sororitas wage war
– And more!
You will need a copy of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook to use the rules included in this codex.
The Triumph of Saint Katherine $110
Where the Triumph of Saint Katherine marches, there shines the Emperor’s radiance. With every step, this funerary procession spreads the glory of the martyred Matriarch further across the galaxy, scattering before it the enemies of the faith and instilling in the Sisters of Battle the fiery conviction of Katherine herself. Yet it is not only the founder of the Order of Our Martyred Lady who is venerated by the Triumph, for through its presence are the spirits of all six Matriarchs carried to the front lines.
Accompanying the blessed bier that bears the skeletal remains of Saint Katherine within her reliquary armour are six members of the Orders Pronatus. Each of these handpicked exemplars of the Adepta Sororitas embodies one of the canonised Matriarchs of the six original Orders:
– Saint Katherine, Order of Our Martyred Lady (very front): Wielding the Martyr’s sword and the Praesidium Protectiva, this sister embodies the Spirit of Saint Katherine. The Praesidium Protectiva was once Saint Katherine’s own shield and contains a shard of the Emperor’s armour. As such, it helps protect the processional, as well as nearby Sisters.
– Saint Dominica, Order of the Ebon Chalice (front left): Bearing a simulacrum of the Ebon Chalice, a black goblet imbued with ever-burning flame, this sister embodies the Spirit of Saint Dominica.
– Saint Mina, Order of the Bloody Rose (back left): This sister carries the Petals of the Bloody Rose, ritually scattered to symbolise the blood of the enemy spilt by the Red Saint before being martyred.
– Saint Silvana, Order of the Argent Shroud (very back): A simulacrum of the Argent Shroud is mounted on a banner atop her backpack. This sister follows at the back of the procession giving sermons and reading aloud the deeds of Saint Silvana, while the shroud above her depicts the skeletal remains of the Saint Silvana.
– Saint Lucia, Order of the Valorous Heart (back right): Holding aloft the Icon of the Valorous Heart, this pulsing icon brings strength to the warriors of the Imperium who hear its beat.
– Saint Arabella, Order of the Sacred Rose (front right): Swinging the Censer of the Sacred Rose in their left hand, the censer burns with an eternal flame, imbuing nearby Sisters with the strength to spread the Emperor’s truth with even greater zeal.
This set is supplied in 85 plastic components and contains a sculpted Citadel 120mm Oval Base.
Battle Sisters Squad $60
The Battle Sisters make up the vast majority of each of the Orders Militant, gunning down heretic, xenos and traitor alike with their holy trinity of weaponry – bolter, melta and flamer. They are the foot soldiers of the Emperor, his sword of defiance and his shield indomitable. Beneath their thundering bolters countless aliens, mutants, traitors and heretics have met their doom. Wherever they advance across the battlefield the light of the Emperor spreads like a holy dawn, manifesting in miracles that see the bolts and blasts of the enemy turned impossibly aside or the foe consumed by the fires of righteous retribution. Onwards the Battle Sisters march, their exultant prayers ringing out all the more stridently at these breathtaking proofs of the Emperor’s manifest divinity, and with every squeeze of their triggers they despatch more of the unworthy abominations that dare stand against the Master of Mankind.
This kit builds 10 Battle Sisters and 1 Incensor Cherub. The Battle Sisters are equipped with boltguns, though up to two of them can be assembled with a special weapon (storm bolter, meltagun or flamer). Alternatively, one Battle Sister may carry a special weapon while another bears a heavy weapon (heavy bolter or heavy flamer). One of your Battle Sisters can carry a sacred Simulacrum Imperialis, with two variant options mounted atop the pole. The components also enable you to build a Sister Superior armed with a chainsword or power sword and a choice of ranged weapons, including a condemnor boltgun or combi-weapon (combi-flamer, -melta or -plasma).
This set is supplied in 179 plastic components and contains 10x Citadel 32mm Round Bases and 1x Citadel 25mm Round Base. An Adepta Sororitas Transfer Sheet is also included.
Retributor Squad $55
Among the majority of the Orders Militant it takes long years to advance to the respected ranks of the Retributor Squads. The Sisters that comprise these warrior bands are amongst the most level-headed, imperturbable and bloodily determined of all their kind. They are also amongst each Order’s finest sharpshooters. It is well that all of this is so, for to the Retributors falls the weighty responsibility of providing targeted fire support for their advancing Sisters. In order to best fulfil this role, each squad of Retributors is armed with an array of heavy bolters, multi-meltas and heavy flamers that bring their firepower in line with that of a battle tank. Combined with the Sisters’ expert eye for target prioritisation, identifying enemy weak points and optimising firing solutions, these devastating armaments make each squad of Retributors a terrifyingly potent battlefield asset.
This kit builds five Retributors and two Armorium Cherubs. The Retributors can be assembled with your choice of heavy bolter, heavy flamer or multi-melta (two of each weapon are included in the set), while the Retributor Superior can be armed with a variety of ranged and melee weapons.
This set is supplied in 115 plastic components and contains 5x Citadel 32mm Round Bases and 2x Citadel 25mm Round Bases. An Adepta Sororitas Transfer Sheet is also included.
Adepta Sororitas Dice $35
Show your allegiance to the holy Adepta Sororitas with their own dice set! These 20 dice are cleverly designed to appear as stained glass windows, and each feature a large fleur-de-lys icon in place of a 6 and a haloed skull icon in place of a 1. In addition, instead of traditional pips on each dice face, the numbers are indicated by white fleur-de-lys.
Datacards: Adepta Sororitas $25
Unleash the holy fury of the Adepta Sororitas with these handy reference cards! Each set is great for easily referring to the rules for the Adepta Sororitas, making sure you’ll pick the right Stratagems or psychic powers for your battles with ease.
This set includes the following cards:
– 36 Tactical Objectives (including 6 specific to Adepta Sororitas)
– 38 Stratagems
– 6 Sacred Rites
You will need a copy of Codex: Adepta Sororitas and the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook to make full use of these cards.
2020 – Year of the Sisters!