RPG: Venture Into A Fun Filled World Of Prehistoric Pals In Troika RPG’s New Kickstarter

Troika! the world’s other favorite RPG wants you to venture into the prehistoric, permian past to find friends and adventure in a pretty world.
If you’ve never played Troika! before, you’re missing out on a fantastic science-fantasy RPG that is both very 90s and very British in the best ways possible while still being an incredibly well-designed modern game. It’s one of the best examples of how to convey a setting and lore and story without needing a ton of exposition–like Dark Souls, Troika! lets its descriptions and items and spells and enemies do the work of conveying what the world is, so that players can put it together for themselves. You’re also missing out on the opportunity to get in on their newest project: Very Pretty Paleozoic Pals: Permian Nations, a new setting book for Troika! that features prehistoric pals who are fun to be with. Let’s take a look.
via Kickstarter
Very Pretty Paleozoic Pals is a setting to start your games in, a location/sphere your players could visit, a new set of Backgrounds for your characters, and a pair of adventures to get you going. All in one chunky high quality hardback book!
- It is an adorable setting drawing inspiration from the Permian Period of our own simple sphere.
- It expands on what was started in TROIKA! and continued in Fronds of Benevolence.
- It will be a beautiful high quality book. No print on demand here.
- It provides a concrete starting point for a TROIKA! campaign.
- 18 new Backgrounds of playable prehistoric critters.
- A terse-but-evocative overview for all notable cultures and locales of the Wide River Valley, as well as its surroundings.
- Lots of Quick Charts to help you create new villages and non-player characters on the fly as PCs explore this strange, cute land.
- Two introductory adventures! One suitable for Permian Nations and “normal” Troika Characters visiting the sphere. The other written with native characters in mind.
- Dozens of NPCs.
- Fantastic and antagonistic beasts ripped from the paleontological record.
- A positive glut of decadently whimsical illustrations.
- A terrible timeline of the planned conquest of the valley, by the pitiless human Count Joehaund Lizardbane.
- Smyth-sewn binding, ensuring it will lay flat and stand up to years of use.
- Written by Evey Lockhart.
- Illustrated by Sam Mameli and Evey Lockhart.
- Published by The Melsonian Arts Council.
The new setting book is Kickstarting for the next month or so, so there’s still plenty of time to get in and explore the Permian Nations.
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Happy Adventuring!