Make a Working NERF Blaster Out of Cardboard

Got some boxes lying around and some time to kill this weekend? Build this cardboard NERF blaster!
Sean, of the aptly named Sean’s Crafts, builds things out of every day materials like rubber bands, straws, magnets, and cardboard. Stuff you likely have around the house right now. One of his most popular creations is this easy to build Nerf blaster replica.

via Sean’s Crafts

via Sean’s Crafts
This video shows off a homebrew NERF style blaster that fires up to six darts. It’s a fast run through and he’s not offering templates, but the build should be easy for a hobbyist to replicate.
If Nerf isn’t your thing, the base of this blaster can be easily modified to fit the aesthetic of your favorite on screen weapon or something more custom. Its core is a rubber band gun with a multi-dart barrel.

via Sean’s Crafts
He’s done more complex builds, as well – like this crazy two player (you can shoot your marble up a ramp onto the other players board) Marvel themed pinball machine that’s made of cardboard, pencils, metal rods, and some simple 3d printed parts.
Make sure you check out his YouTube Channel for more fun projects made from up-cycled materials.