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Warhammer 40K: Lazarus Unmasked

2 Minute Read
Jan 2 2020
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Two photosets show off new details about Primaris Captain Lazarus of the Dark Angels. Take a look at him, helmet on, off, and with different arm options.

The Dark Angels are getting a new captain, and following their tradition of picking out biblical names that really lean into the meaning of their stories and/or names in the Hebrew translations, this one is named Lazarus. Lazarus is the first Primaris to ascend the ranks of the Inner Circle, and like Lazarus of Bethany has come back from death–or at least “wounds so severe not even a dreadnought’s sarcophagus could save him.” With the backing of Azrael himself, and the role of Primaris in the Dark Angels resting squarely on his shoulders, Lazarus cuts a dramatic figure, as we’ve seen in his amazing mini.

However, a recent post on Facebook reveals that there’s more to Lazarus than you’d have thought. His kit also seems to come with the parts needed to model a company leader in helmet, and has a few more options than the initial picture reveals. Here he is in both helmeted and unhelmeted glory. Take a look.

via Games Workshop

If you prefer your Lazarus to be cybernetically enhanced–AND WHO WOULDN’T–now that it’s 2020, the model comes with an ocular enhancement and free head-shave. But there are still more options, including a powerfist!

This picture, which appeared recently on GW’s Facebook page, reveals at least one helmeted variant of Lazarus. Though his helmet is missing those iconic wings–but note the arm holding the boltgun, it’s the exact same as the one in the picture above it. Perhaps there are two different helmeted heads, or perhaps the helmet wings are detachable bits. There are at least three heads in this kit, either way, it seems. As well as four different arms that we can be sure of: power fist, power sword, boltgun, and helmet holder. So whether you’re looking for Lazarus or just a cool Dark Angels captain, this mini should be everything you need.


What do you think of Lazarus? Let us know in the comments!

Author: J.R. Zambrano
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