Warhammer Underworlds: The Wurmspat
The Wurmspat are a band of Rotbringers who want to end the Katophrane Curse and free everyone up to feel papa Nurgle’s love.
Chaos and Death are natural enemies, and none moreso than Nurgle, who thrives when living things of all stripes, especially disease, blossom. The latest warband to step into the Beastgrave has come on a mission to break Nagash’s curse on the place, which is a noble goal, undertaken in the vilest manner. Today we’re taking a look at the Wurmspat.
They’re a big tough band–with only three models, they rely on the legendary resilience of Nurgle to get them through the fight. They’re inspired as fighters take wounds or are out of action, and you want them to get there as quickly as possible, because as they inspire they can make use of new attacks and abilities. Let’s take a look.
via Warhammer Community
Ghulgoch the Butcher lives up to his name. And like most games that feature someone or something called the Butcher, Ghulgoch is big and beefy and hits very hard and that’s all there is to it. Like all the Nurgle fighters, he takes less damage every time he rolls a block, and when he’s inspired he gets even tougher, but other than that–point at enemy and chop.
Sepsimus, Plaguesworn, on the other hand is a slightly longer ranged fighter, using his Blighted spear to strike out to two hexes–or, if you can get him inspired, he gains an area attack that scythes through massed enemies.
Finally Fecula Flyblown, leader of the Wurmspat, is a powerful spellcaster. Her Stream of Corruption gives you some extra range, getting stronger as she becomes inspired.
It’ll be interesting to see how this band plays–mobility is a problem for them, but, their special ability gives them a surprising amount of staying power. Top that off with some of their gambits, which use the new Cycle keyword. A card with Cycle lasts for a while, either until the end of the round or until you make another Cycle ploy, letting you set up some long term strategies that you can switch up when the time is right.
Their upgrades play well with the rest of their deck, helping to offset the fact that you only have three models with cards like Living Plague or Unstoppable Tread to help account for your struggles against larger bands.
And their Objectives are pretty flexible. If you want to play to a more defensive style, you can–or you can play more aggressively. Nurgle loves all playstyles, as he loves his children.
Good luck, warriors!