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Wyrd: The Explorer’s Society Creeps its Way Into Malifaux

2 Minute Read
Jan 21 2020

Wyrd is heading off to LVO – make sure to stop by the booth if you’re there – and they dropped a bunch of news before they closed up the office. Learn more about Lord Cooper, the Daeva, and the Explorer’s Society.

The newest faction to third edition – the Explorer’s Society – is making its way into the public eye. The title image for this post features the new Daeva – shadow wraiths that count themselves among the faction’s numbers. More will be revealed at the con over the weekend, but you can start exploring their lore and what they have to offer if you’re willing to sign…

via Wyrd:

We had planned to explore the inner workings of the Explorer’s Society, and even invite you to see the home of the Explorer’s Society founder, Lord Justin Cooper. Unfortunately, his lawyers stopped us at the gate before we could get any good pictures and shoved this contract in our face, spouting legal jargon about servitude and claiming only those who are invited to “join” the Explorer’s Society are allowed in. Something tells us the only way we’re going to get an invite into the Explorer’s Society and meet Lord Cooper is to sign the contract…

Click Here to Learn More and Sign the Contract

In addition to the new faction, January and February are both packed with new releases. You can check out the full list here, and here are some highlights…


  • Faction: Arcanists
  • Rasputina
  • Wendigo
  • Snow Storm
  • 3 December Acolyte
  • Out in January


  • Faction: Resurrectionists
  • Bête Noire
  • 2 Dead Doxies
  • 3 Dead Dandies
  • Out in January



  • Faction: Guild
  • Dashel Barker
  • The Dispatcher
  • Taggart Queeg
  • 3 Rifleman
  • Out in February


  • Faction: Guild
  • Keyword: Elite
  • Alan Reid
  • 2x Investigators
  • 3x False Witness
  • Out in February


Author: Mars Garrett
  • D&D: Need An Adventure In A Hurry? Here Are 60 One-Page Adventures