40K/AoS RUMORS: New Psychic Awakening Book & New Battletome

Two new books have been reported out there in the rumorsphere, for both 40K and Age of Sigmar.
We’ve already gotten some hints from GW that both of these are coming. Let’s dive in:
40K Rumors:
Psychic Awakening now has 7 confirmed volumes:
- Phoenix Rising
- Faith & Fury
- Blood of Baal
- Ritual of the Damned
- The Greater Good
- Saga of the Beast
- Engine War
Which leaves the five factions below left:
The latest rumor from Spikey says:
- A book described as “Psychic Awakening: War of Spider” has been spotted.
Some think this may tie into the hint of Warp Spiders and a recovered Phoenix Lord that just appeared in The Greater Good, while others think this may be a translation issue and “spider” may indicate a reference to webs or the webway, which would also line up with some of those remaining factions.
Then don’t forget the earlier sighting of some type of book featuring Custodes. It is unknown if this is the same book being described, or something separate, but this works together to point at a total Psychic Awakening series of 8 or 9 books, right around where we estimated it would end several months back. This would take the series through about May.
Age of Sigmar:
On the Age if Sigmar side of things, the first product has been spotted by Sprues and Brews linked to “Sons of Behemat“, the rumored Giant-focused faction. GW hinted at the battletome themselves in the zoat video here:
~So which one are you most intrigued by?