Adeptus Titanicus: Big FAQ Released - Bell of Lost Souls
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Adeptus Titanicus: Big FAQ Released

3 Minute Read
Feb 28 2020
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There were some “significant” changes made to Adeptus Titanicus with the new FAQ and GW is here to go over them.

Adeptus Titanicus has experienced some growing pains. However, Games Workshop has been taking notes and has had a steady stream of updates to the game. With a new Supplement out as well as some new weapons, GW has released a relatively big FAQ that has some important tweaks to the game. Thankfully, GW has released some more info on the changes and, in particular, why they made these changes.

Acastus Knights

The Acastus sees three big changes: an overhaul of their points values, a decrease in maximum Banner size from 1-4 to 1-2, and a new special rule called ‘Auxiliary Knight Banner’ which limits how many Banners can be taken in a Battlegroup.

If you managed to dodge playing against these guys, then you might not fully understand the impact they had made on the game. Let’s just say that they were a little too inexpensive and could swing well above their weight-class. They needed to be changed and these three tweaks as a group make it so that GW didn’t need to release a new command terminal. They still hit hard, but they aren’t quite as overpowering as they used to be.

Warbringer Nemesis Titan Weapon Cards

Many people have noted that the Warbringer Carapace weapons have a new damage effect – Weapon Critically Disabled. This rule currently doesn’t come into play during a game so we’ve included a note to that effect in the FAQ.

Maybe this was just GW tipping their hand at things to come or maybe it was just an overzealous oversight. Anyhow, the change is simple enough. Weapon Critically Disabled functions the same as Weapon Disabled. For now…

Legio Rules and Stratagem Points

When both players are using Legio Rules there is the potential for either player to gain additional Stratagem points. The last FAQ handled this by stating that you would only gain these additional points when your opponent has more Legio Rules than you. This rule has been removed from the new FAQ, meaning you gain 2 Stratagem points for each set of Legio Rules your opponent uses.


Basically, folks weren’t really using large numbers of Stratagems and/or running more than a single Legio Ruleset. This change is a way to allow players to gain access to some of the more expensive stratagems (ones that cost 3 or more points).

Legio Fortidus

Their special Legion Trait allowed them to do some Titan Swapping. This led to some “unintended interactions” and has been changed. For starters, the new Titan can only be a Warhound, Reaver, or Warlord. On top of that, it no longer counts-as the Titan type it would be replacing.

Download the FAQ Here

There are quite a few more changes, clarifications, and errata to the game. Shadow and Iron got some tweaks as well. If you’re playing Adeptus Titanicus then you’ll note that many of these changes are great for the game and should help address many of the “unintended interactions” that pop-up with a relatively new ruleset.



What do you think of these changes? Any other BIG ones you want to talk about? Drop them in the comments!

Author: Adam Harrison
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