Age of Sigmar: Kunnin’ Strategies for the New Orruk Battalions

Here’s a quick review of the new battalions released of the Orruk Warclans in White Dwarf 451.
Earlier this week, we previewed the new Orruk warscroll battalions coming in White Dwarf 451 for the Ironsunz. Today, I want to take a more in-depth look at the battalions, and how they will likely function on the battlefield.
Da Bossfist
This is Dakkbad Grotkicker’s personal battalion, and at 220 points could easily make your army a one drop. It requires at least one Megaboss on Maw-Krusha to represent Dakkbad (though you can include up to three if you are playing at high points and don’t like friends), 2-3 Megabosses, and 2-3 Brute units. Since it’s an Ironsunz only battalion, you are shoehorned into taking the Right Fist of Dakkbad command trait, and that has to go to the Maw-Krusha boss you’ve specified as Dakkbad, but rather than just a single command point during the first turn, he is allowed to generate an extra command point EVERY TURN on a 4+. That means you will have a minimum of 3 command points during your first turn, possibly 4, and should you also purchase an extra command point you can crank that up to five.
In my theorized list, I also brought along a Weirdnob with the Great Green Visions artefact, which ramped my potential first turn command points to a whopping 6, and with all the potentially devastating command abilities available to me from Ironjawz, Megabosses, and Ironsunz, I can almost guarantee a wrecking ball first turn. A command trait of note is the Ironsunz trait, which allows you to declare a charge at the end of the opponent’s charge phase. That means if you go first, you can set up a bait unit (which will be protected from enemy shooting by Ironsunz Kunnin’) and when your opponent charges it, you can slam the trap shut and charge all your other boyz waiting in the wings. To top off this blending machine, every unit in the battalion also gets an additional attack, including their Maw-Krusha mounts. So when this battalion hits, and believe me it will, it’s going to hit like a semi with iron spikes on the front.
Moggorz’s Rekrootin’ Krew
The recruiter of Dakkbad’s warclan, Moggorz goes from realm to realm looking for fresh meat for the army, and throws them into the meat grinder to test their mettle. At 150 points, this isn’t a bad choice, and can give you an unbreakable wall of muscle to hold off your enemy until you can smack him with your real power. The battalion requires 1 Megaboss to represent Moggorz, 1 unit of Brutes to represent his Krew, and the 1-5 units of Brutes or Ardboys in any combination to represent the recruits he’s found.
These Aspirants don’t get the benefit of the Ironsunz Kunnin’ rule, so they will take full force shooting, but so long as they are wholly within 18” of either Moggorz or his Krew, they are completely immune to battleshock. Combining with the Ironsunz command trait, that means you can set up a charge screen, tie your opponent up with an unbreakable unit of Orruks, then charge them with your power units. This is a bargain battalion, and definitely worth considering, though I would recommend using Ardboys as your Aspirants since they are a good deal more economical.
Dakkbad’s Brawl
The Orruk Superbattalion comes in at 120 points, but even at its lowest point cost comes in well over 2000 points, so it’s impossible to take in a standard game. Even so, if you can afford it it’s pretty neat, so if you’re just playing a fun or narrative game it might be worth a look. In addition to all the standard abilities of the other Ironsunz battalions mentioned before, it allows you to use the “Waaagh!” command ability an additional time during the battle, though not twice in the same phase. This will turn your blender into a steel grinder, and there won’t be much that can stop a double Waaagh on top of all the other abilities provided.
Will you be using any of these battalions?