Cosplay Artist Spotlight: Francheezy Pt 2

The celebration continues, and this week we’re featuring an interview with a cosplayer who dances, sings, and creates. Her Final Fantasy X cosplay caught our attention, and we are happy to have a chance to sit down and chat with her.
Trolling through the Facebook Cosplay forums on a random Wednesday, I stumbled across the most gorgeous LuLu from Final Fantasy X cosplay I had ever seen. This is a character that has been on my personal bucket list for YEARS, but I have never been brave enough to accomplish it. I immediately reached out to the artist, and she happily agreed to interview with us! Her cosplay tastes run very similar to my own, and her cosplay depictions are full of life and humor. Enjoy this interview with Francheezy Cosplay!
What kind of games do you play? Videogames? Tabletop? Wargames?
My favorite types of games to play are board games and old school Nintendo and Sega Genesis games.
What conventions do you attend? Have you guested/spoken on panels/competed in contests?
What projects are you working on in the future?
A future cosplay project that is in the works for later this year is Akasha from Queen of the damned.
What conventions are you attending this next season?
This convention season I will be attending WonderCon, Anime Expo, Long Beach Comic-Con, and LA Comic-Con.
Who are your cosplay inspirations? Whose work do you admire or aspire to?
My biggest cosplay inspiration is Yaya Han I used to watch her on the Syfy channel show called Hero’s of Cosplay. She inspired me to want to try cosplaying, she is an inspiration to me because she is an amazing artist who builds all of her cosplays and has made her cosplay career into a business.
What are your favorite movies/shows to watch or music to listen to while you craft?
When working on a new cosplay I’ll listen to music or watch videos from that specific fandom to get inspired.
What message do you have for people wanting to break into cosplay? What have you learned in your time working in Cosplay?
My message from anyone breaking into cosplay is just to have fun, don’t sweat the little things and enjoy yourself because cosplaying is about having fun wearing costumes from your favorite fandoms. I’ve learned from cosplaying throughout the years to not take myself so seriously, it’s just a hobby.
Where can we find you?
Facebook- Francheezy Cosplay
Instagram- Francheezy24_7
Twitter- Francheezy24
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
Have a Cosplay question you would like Mayhem’s Muse to answer? Know a Cosplayer you’d like to see featured? Send an email here!
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