Goatboy’s 40K – Orky Mad Max Buggygeddon

Goatboy here and I am still searching for a new “Goatboy Paints” army for myself. I have a real soft spot for Orks and everyone one knows I love conversions and rockets.
I usually try to figure out some kind of project to give me a break from commissions, kids, and regular work life. I like to have these options for breaks as I look towards something that looks cool on the table top and might play ok. I have a soft spot for Orks as my second favorite faction in 40k right now. Its one of those paint projects that is very satisfying as it builds upon conversions and paint to create a satisfying casserole of grim dark madness.
When the buggies came out I thought they look pretty cool. Their rules are ok and I think there are some things I could do to create something unique and interesting under the thought of making a cool looking army that might win a little more than lose. So what does this mean? Well its obvious the army is going to be buggy based and I want to look at making it a bit different to ensure its gets a good Goatboy stamp of Approval.
Now I am thinking I won’t be doing Evil Sunz. The reason why is I just like the idea of having a Freebootaz army, buggies hitting better, and just acting like a pirate as you drive around the table top. I think having the +1 to hit with a ton of massed shooting jerks is just too good to pass up. I really wish they just had a Speed Freak choice for your army that let you mix and match the buggies into one choice in your detachment.
The reason for this whole jump into the Buggy life is because I really like the Megatrakk Scrapjet. It seems good on paper, the Ork driving it is wearing a watch, and I think it could be the shell to build out a really weird looking list. It would be fast, could do a lot of damage, and again it might work out well if Orks get some crazy speed nonsense in the upcoming Psychic awakening. Still this is a list I want to slow build as while I got parts painted – I need to tweak some stuff to get it ready to go.
Here is the first model I painted for it – my Deffkilla Wartrike with Red go Fasta Skin.
So with the scheme picked out – here is my initial idea for the army:
Red Skin Butchers of Broken Scab Way
Orks Battalion – +5CP
Klan – Freebootaz
-Specialist Detachment-
Dread Waagh -1CP
Big Mek with Shokk Attack Gun – Warlord – Bigkilla Boss, Relic – Da Souped-Up Shokka – 80pts
Weirdboy – 62pts
Gretchin X 10 – 30pts
Gretchin X 10 – 30pts
Gretchin X 10 – 30pts
Orks Spearhead +1CP
Warboss – Powerklaw, Kustom Shoota – 80pts
Kaptain Badrukk – 84pts
Bonebreaka – 159pts
Bonebreaka – 159pts
Bonebreaka – 159pts
Flashgitz X 8 – Ammo Runts X 2 – 200pts
Orks Outrider Detachment +1CP
Deffkilla Wartrike – 120pts
Megatrakk Scrapjet X 3 – 300pts
Megatrakk Scrapjet X 3 – 300pts
Shokkjump Dragstas X 2 – 204pts
PTS: 1997 CP: 10-7 depending on what I want to do.
Orky Tak-tics
The Killa Klaw is useful on the Cruise missile Warboss. This army is built to be fast, look goofy, and maybe be fun? I loved the idea of Bonebreakas as soon as I read the new codex as well as the fact I got 3 of them already. I just need to fix the paint up a bit. It also means I can use the Kaptain for something as well – or make something really sweet with some conversion, elbow grease, and pure orky spite. I also got the cool Shokk Attack gun and a ton of weird buggies. I am not sure if the Shokk Jumps are going to be worth it but being able to teleport around could be useful.
Thoughts? It won’t work and it doesn’t match the current Ork army we have seen with a ton of bodies and Mek Guns. Instead of that I go for pure madness and damage.