GW: Rumor Engine – Strong Roots

The Rumor Engine is here and it’s going for that bonsai approach.
This new Rumor Engine can teach you a whole lot about life…at least according to Mr. Miyagi.
The Rumour Engine loves you. The Rumour Engine wants you to be happy. The Rumour Engine is doing the best it can with what it’s got. Isn’t that as much as we can ask of anything?
This one image reminds me of two things – neither of which is Warhammer related. The Tree looks a lot like the Bonsai tree from The Karate Kid – you know the one. Miyagi-Do Karate’s logo:
It also reminds me a lot of Pride Rock from the Lion King.
Anyhow, because of those pop-culture connections I’m having a hard time figuring out what this Rumor Engine is teasing. Maybe it’s a new terrain piece. Maybe there is an upcoming Karate Tournament at Pride Rock in the Grimdark. Maybe the plants are trying to kill us all – who knows?!
If I had to make a legitimate guess, I’d go with something Sylvaneth. Now, I don’t actually think it is something for the Sylvaneth, but that’s all I got for this one. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go focus on Bonsai Trees for a bit:
What do you think this new Rumor Engine is teasing? Let us know your best guess in the comments!