Mantic: Pre-Order Abyssal Dwarfs – Bring Some Fiery Rage to Your Games

The hordes of Tragar bring thousands of mutants, slaves, and soldiers with them to battle. Their dark magic and esoteric weaponry brings a tension to the air, and the cries of their victims give that tension sound. These dwarfs are the opposite of Gimli.
Mantic posted two great blog posts about designing the new models – one of the Mantic studio members describes the process from written ideas all the way through the tooling process for the molds. You can read part one here and part two here. It’s an interesting look at what goes into creating a sprue of plastic models.
There’s also a very handy tactics guide for the army, which doesn’t quite fit the stereotypical play style of dwarfs. It has tough units and barrages of shots to fire into the enemy, but it also has a lot of flexibility.
Now, on to the minis! Don’t forge that there are Vanguard boosters available now, as well. These are now available for pre-order fo KoW:
- Abyssal Dwarf Mega Army (over 60 models) – $149.99
- Abyssal Dwarf Army (over 40 models) – $89.99
- Hellfane with Crew – $79.99
- Grotesques Regiment – $44.99
- Grotesque Champion – $17.99
- Blacksouls Regiment – $29.99