Warhammer Age of Sigmar Next Week: New Champions, Warcry Cards, And Beasts!

Next week is a beastly bundle for the Age of Sigmar, with heroes available individually, new Warcry Cards, and some beautiful beasts arriving all at once!
It is a cavalcade of Champions this week for the Age of Sigmar. Big things are coming to the Mortal Realms in the form of a bunch of heroes, previously available only in boxes, now striking out on their own, ready to be added to your army the way you see fit. And these Champions herald a new batch of Warcry cards, as well as a bevvy of beasts ready to bite into whatever foes are foolish enough to stand before them. Let’s check it out.
via Warhammer Community
First up the Champions. Up there’s the Warlock Bombardier, but you’ll also find these heroes waiting: Abhorrant Archregent, Tyrant, Arch-Revenant, Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig and Vokmortian, Master of the Bone Tithe.
But Champions aren’t the only things coming out this weekend, there’s also a swath of new warband cards for WarCry, allowing you to introduce factions beyond Chaos to the struggle for the Eightpoints.
This time around, we’ve got cards for the Seraphon, Sylvaneth, Sacrosanct Chamber Stormcast Eternals, Nurgle Rotbringers, Nurgle Daemons, Hedonites of Slaanesh, Khorne Bloodbound and Khorne Daemons. Whether you collect one of these armies and you’re looking for a new way to play them or want an excuse to pick up a new warband, make sure to grab yourself a set!
This weekend also sees the release of two new Chaos Beasts. There’s the Mindstealer Sphiranx.
Which comes with two different head options:
Or if you’re looking for something a little more heavy-hitting and crushier, check out the Fomoroid Crusher.
Which comes in two different varieties.:
These are all available next week, so be sure and check ’em out.
What are you going to pick up?