Warhammer: Blood In Darkness Comes To Vermintide 2

A new patch ushers in the next chapter of Curse of the Drachenfels. Check out what’s new for Verminide 2 with Blood in Darkness.
They say no one goes to the Drachenfels for innocent reasons. But here we are once more, returning to an old familiar castle. A new patch means a new chapter in Vermintide 2’s new Curse of the Drachenfels storyline. Blood in Darkness promises darker action and more and better loot as Season 2 ramps up.
This is the mid part of the quest, with the conclusion planned for release sometime in March. So be on the lookout for that. For now, let’s see what’s new in Blood in Darkness.
via Vermintide
From today you can play the second chapter of The Curse of Drachenfels update, Blood in Darkness, on PC. This update is part of Season 2 and is free for all owners of Warhammer: Vermintide 2, and consists of 3 new missions in total. The final chapter is aimed to be released in March. You can find more information about Season 2 here.
Lohner has received a new shipment and you can now find an increased stock in Lohner’s Emporium of Wonders purchasable with shillings.
It has been said that the Castle has a will and a personality of its own. Only the foolish dare to enter the Castle, and some apparently do so willingly, twice!
Blood in the Darkness – the second mission in the Curse of Drachenfels adventure.
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More cosmetics added to Lohner’s Emporium
It’s no longer possible to switch map whilst a vote is in progress.
Fixed a crash caused by interacting with chat/friend list buttons whilst purchasing a store item.
Fixed crash caused when player gets healed while leaving the game (mainly death mutator in Weaves but was possible outside of that, albeit rare).
Fixed a crash that could occur on metal mutators when you finish the arena with buff still applied from the mutator as the host.
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Fixed quest timer in Okri’s Challenges being drawn under the quest descriptions.
Fixed an issue where Kerillian’s Spear and Shield illusion “Princess’s Glamour-Shield” awarded from the Point Well-Made challenge displayed a placeholder name.
Fixed the Quick Play bonus not being awarded when joining into a keep.
Bogenhafen cosmetic counts should now tally appropriately when considering items purchased from the Emporium.
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