Age of Sigmar: 5 Heroes I Miss (Aelf Edition) from the Old World

Here’s 5 Aelf Heroes I miss from the Old World. I hope one day they will find their way into the Mortal Realms.
When the Old World broke, several powerful heroes found themselves transported to the Realms as gods or powerful champions. Unfortunately, not all the great heroes made it, and several of my personal favorites were left in the dust. Though there were heroes of all races (looking at you, Seraphon) that didn’t make it, the ones I miss the most are the Aelves. Here are my favorite Aelf characters, in no particular order, that are no longer with us.
1)Alith Anar, the Shadow King
The original bad boy rogue, Alith Anar was an awesome character. So smoldering he could distract the pleasure cultists of Morathi and so skilled he could show up in your enemies deployment zone, Alith Anar was also really hard to nail down and had a bow that shot like a war machine. He was the Shadow King for a reason, and I miss having a super assassin I could outflank my opponents with.
2)Kouran Darkhand
The most loyal of all Malekith’s lieutenants, Kouran fought at his side for as long as anyone can remember as the Captain of his Black Guard. While his honor certainly didn’t make him a good person (he once sacrificed half his army to pull the enemy into a trap) his skill in battle could not be denied. It takes a hell of a dude to stay at the top of the Dark Elves for so long, and it makes me sad he didn’t cross the worlds with his master.
Oh Korhil, what a champion this guy was. He killed the scariest of all the White Lions with just his bare hands, carried an axe that would make a Bloodthirster drool, and was the poster boye of the swol aelves of Chrace. He was a lot of fun on the battlefield, and could saw through just about anything when backed up by a squad of his White Lion friends. He was my first favorite hero for the High Elves, and I miss being able to field him.
As a Daughters of Khaine player, this one stings a lot, especially considering that she lost her spot in the pantheon to her biggest rival Morathi. Hellebron was the first and greatest of the Brides of Khaine, and she made Witch Aelves a hell of a lot scarier. The OG Slaughter Crone would have made an excellent addition to the Daughters of Khaine, and it would be fun to see how her rivalry with Morathi played out when they were both gods.
5)Malus Darkblade
Malus has a story spanning centuries, and most Warhammer players will recognize his name, even if they don’t actually know who he is. Dodging traitorous family members, his enemies at court, and the daemon Tz’arkan that shared his body and slowly robbed him of his soul, Malus still managed to be one of the most powerful generals of the Witch King. He also seemed to genuinely care for his Cold One mount, Spite, which I can respect, and it made them a terrifying combo. Sadly, he died when he lost the battle for his soul to Tz’arkan and accidentally crushed Spite when he went daemonic. Maybe we’ll see him if GW ever releases a Malekith army along the lines of the Lumineths, but considering his confirmed death I sort of doubt it.
Who are your favorite heroes from the Old World who need to make the jump?