Age of Sigmar: New Start Collecting Pricing Breakdown

We have three new Start Collecting! offerings from Games Workshop – are they worth it? Let’s Math!
So Games Workshop announced the three new kits for the Daughters of Khaine, Gloomspite Gitz, and the Skinks. We know the pricing as well. So let’s do some math and compare what sort of a deal you’re getting with each box.
Start Collecting! Skinks
1/2 a Box of Skinks – $17.50 (The Skink Sprue lets you build 12 of them, the current box has 24 skinks inside)
MSRP Total: $162.50
Start Collecting! Price: $100
Savings: $62.50
Now a few notes:
- You can’t buy 1/2 a box of Skinks from GW. It’s either 24 for $35 or nothing.
- The Bastiladon kit is currently out of stock online.
- The Terradon Riders are also out of stock online from GW.
So keep that in mind with this new boxed set!
The Bastiladons on the table are basically walking tanks and shoot a Space Laser that would make the Aeldari jealous. You can alway use more skinks and the Terradon Riders can be used for a divebomb on a character, objective grabbers, or a screen.
Daughters of Khaine
MSRP Total: $125
Start Collecting! Price: $90
Savings: $35
- The Bloodwrack Shrine is also the same kit for the Cauldron of Blood.
- The Bloodwrack Shrine also comes with various hero options. Depending on how you build it, you’ll have leftover characters.
- Melusai Blood Stalkers can also be built as Blood Sisters.
The Cauldron of Blood is a VERY good model for most DoK lists plus you basically get 3 heroes in this kit. Personally, I’d go with Blood Sisters vs Stalkers as their shooting (while good) just doesn’t have the volume of shots per points. I’d much rather have the Sisters get in there and chop the enemy to shreds – the bigger the unit of them, the better!
Gloomspite Gitz
MSRP Total: $135
Start Collecting! Price: $95
Total Savings $40
- It’s Trolls.
- It’s Squigs.
- It’s a Loonboss.
- That’s pretty much the Gloomspite Army in a nutshell.
This kit could take you in some very interesting directions. It’s a good start but you might find yourself drifting towards more Squigs or more Trolls eventually. It seems like most Gloomspite Players gravitate toward one of those play styles eventually. Not a bad start by any means but you might want to plan out a larger army to see which parts you really need.
Well there is the pricing breakdown for the three new kits with some light analysis. Which kit(s) are you most interested in?