D&D Accessories: 6 Sets Of Dice That Look Sweet Enough To Eat

These six sets of dice are working overtime to look as edible as possible, but don’t believe them! These dice are for rolling purposes only no matter how sweet they may appear.
I know that you know that you’re not supposed to eat dice. We’re adults here and the shiny click clack rocks are decidedly not delicious candy snacks. Or are they?
Ice Cream Dice
If you’re a fan of candy corn, this is the set for you. Ice Cream Dice’s tri-colored polyhedrals look good enough to try and nibble just the white part off of, without any of the sugar content. They may taste about as good as your average candy corn (because candy corn is gross), but please please don’t eat them! And if candy corn isn’t your sweet treat of choice (because candy corn is gross), Ice Cream Dice has a collection of delectable looking sweets inspired dice sets for your tastes and gameplay needs.
Price: $19.95
Cozy Gamer
I don’t know about you, but whenever I see a video of people making long tubes of those little round hard candies with cute pictures inside I am absolutely transfixed. I’m not even sure if I’ve even ever eaten one, but the process is so strangely soothing to watch. Cozy Gamer manages to bring up that same peaceful feeling in this set of extra large dice which utilize actual hard candies as decoration inside. The soft colors and crystal clear resin makes me feel like I’m looking at a candy dish and the extra large size of the dice would be so satisfying to roll. Unfortunately the candy dish is full of plastic and not candy.
Price: $18.99
Ah Cute Trements
If you’ve never had Japanese konpeito candy, they’re basically tiny colorful sugar blasts. They’re crunchy and sweet and cute and look very adorable inside dice. Konpeito make me feel nostalgic with this dice set is a sugary blast from the past. But despite being filled with Japanese sweets and looking good enough to pop in your mouth, these dice are definitely not food!
Price: $35.00
Adventure Woodworks
This set isn’t actually filled with candy, but with small colorful iridescent beads to mimic gumballs. While I haven’t ever had an iridescent gumball, the colors and shininess are very appealing and sweet looking, reminding me of over the top carnival treats. These dice just make me happy to look at. But remember, they’re still not actually candy.
Price: $16.99
Solar Crush
Whether you call these sprinkles, jimmies, or hundreds and thousands, you know these tiny round bits of sweetness. This D20 is completely full up with the spherical sprinkles, making this dice exceptionally colorful and festive. Each one is hand poured, sanded, and glossed with love. You’ll want to put these D20s all over your ice cream. But you can’t; they’re resin.
Price: $10.00
Okami and Scry
Do you love to taste the rainbow? How about roll it for initiative and damage? This set of skittles inspired dice has a perfect color scheme and shininess level, as well as a very cute and stylized S instead of the highest number on each die. Unlike the other’s they are polymer clay instead of resin, (still not edible) but Okami and Scry assures that they have been tested for balance. If skittles are your favorite candy, show off your love at the D&D table.
Price: $35.00
What do you think of these sweet looking dice? What candy would you want to see locked in resin for your campaign? Should we take a look at dice that are actually candy and you can eat next? Let us know in the comments!
Happy Adventuring