D&D BREAKING: Critical Role Cancels Live Broadcasts

Popular D&D livestream show, Critical Role has announced they’re suspending all live broadcasts for the time being. Details inside.
With concern for health and safety mounting during the COVID-19 pandemic, Critical Role has announced they’ll be suspending all live broadcasts for a while. The announcement came earlier today, posted on the Critical Role website.
via Critical Role
“Like many of you, we have been monitoring the progressing situation around COVID-19 and have made the difficult decision to temporarily stop all live broadcasts, effective Tuesday, March 17th, 2020. Please note that our next episode of All Work No Play will air live on Twitch today at 4pm Pacific and the finale will air on Tuesday, March 31st at 7pm Pacific.
The health, safety, and well-being of our company and employees is the highest priority for us and we asked our staff to begin working from home to practice social distancing last week.
Our hearts go out to everyone affected by COVID-19. If you are interested in helping, many state governments have set up special funds to help those in your local community or check out covid19responsefund.org.
Going forward, we’ll keep our social media accounts and website updated with the latest news.
Stay healthy, friends. We’ll be back soon.
Critical Role”
Critical Role employs more than just the folks we see on the screen. From production staff to marketing and business development personnel, it takes a big team to keep the show happening. And for now, they’re on hiatus. Many companies are making these decisions right now, the wider reaching impacts of the disease are only now beginning yi be felt.
Stay safe everyone. And in the meantime, if you’ve been waiting to jump in with Critical Role, there are weeks’ worth of podcasts just waiting to be listened to. And a broad community of folks to talk with.
One thing’s for sure, now more than ever, Critters will be wondering
Is it Thursday yet?