D&D: Five Devils Looking To Make A Deal

These devils went down to Faerun, looking for a soul to steal. They were in a bind, ’cause they were way behind, and willing to make a deal.
One of the best mechanics in Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus was the ability for devils to offer desperate players a ‘deal’ in exchange for their mortal soul. But why wait until you’re playing that module? Here are five devils of varying power looking to make deals with adventurers. The deals offered here reflect an insidious path–not all are “give me your soul and you get stuff” but more like “do something you were gonna do anyway and get a little extra” as they slide down the path of temptation.
The Imp
Malgrix is an industrious imp, as far as imps go. Summoned into the prime material plane as part of a dark pact with cultists, Malgrix used their influence to help elevate the cult in terms of wealth and power. Eventually the cultists were destroyed by a band of adventurers, but Malgrix’ expensive tastes remained. Now Malgrix lurks near a dungeon your players are about to explore and approaches them, invisibly, claiming to know a great deal about what lies inside.
Malgrix remains invisible and offers to serve the adventurers, either by scouting ahead or telling them where they can find valuable treasure. All the players have to do is promise to leave some of their newfound wealth by the old tree outside of the dungeon in exchange. Players that agree might find themselves visited later by Malgrix with similar offers, as the Imp grows its powerbase on the Material Plane, living like a king.
The Ice Devil
Penthrazz is an ice devil that was once a great general of hell, leading armies in Malbolge, but has since been deposed and exiled. Now Penthrazz works as a mercenary, offering its services in exchange for rare gifts and “favors” that it hopes will one day help it reclaim its power. Penthrazz offers to help the players defeat a powerful enemy, lending the services of a CR 14 creature that’s immune to many damages in exchange for the players’ help dealing with an enemy of its.
Penthrazz directs them to find and kill another devil that’s active in the world–an action that seems ostensibly objectively good. This is one of the devils that serves in the ranks of Penthrazz’ rival’s armies. And if the players succeed, Penthrazz will continually offer them targets, moving from devil to devil until they carve a path for its ascension.
The Chain Devil
Krilthrighor is a Kyton, one of the chain devils. Krilthrighor is a steward of lost and departed souls, looking to collect those who are bound for the nine hells and ensure they get there. They approach players, offering them a powerful magic item, with the promise that they use it to defeat one of their foes.
Doing so gives them an edge in combat, offering them powerful effects like extra fire damage, or necrotic damage or the like–but if their foe is slain, the fallen foe’s soul is instantly claimed by the nine hells, and players can watch as fiery spirits raise up and take the soul, screaming, into the lower planes. The same happens to any noteworthy creature that is slain in combat with the Kyton’s weapon.
The Bone Devil
Rtaatk is a bone devil, and a secret power behind the throne. At least that’s Rtaatk’s ambition in the Prime Material plane. It has chosen a local ruler, like a duke, a minor lord, or the like, and currently seeks to uplift them. Rtaatk sees the players as the means to an end, and seeks them out, hoping to use them to stir up trouble in the kingdom so that Rtaatk’s pawn may advance.
Rtaatk prefers to remain unseen, lurking in shadows and speaking telepathically to players. It offers them key information about the movement of enemy troops and the like, but if the players start turning on Rtaatk’s pawn, it will attack them personally.
The Erinyes
Laerath is an Erinyes, one of the most heavily armed devils in existence. Laerath hunts oathbreakers, but only those that have broken oaths with arcchdevils and/or Asmodeus. Laerath sees much potential in the players, and approaches them in her full fallen angelic glory, offering them a warning of an upcoming danger.
Laerath watches to see how they go, then asks the players to join her on a hunt. A powerful Warlock has betrayed his patron, and is looking to steal others away from the Nine Hells. This Warlock is also a menace to the mortal realms, and so the players might join with Laerath, fighting temporarily on the side of the Nine Hells to try and serve a greater good.
Happy Adventuring!